Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3772: Someone!

Zhu Dachang also envied him. It's not that he hasn't been to the dark road, but every time he gets a pitiful little harvest, he even wonders whether all his income has Xiao Chen for more than a month.

Qianmei Yilian only smiled faintly when she heard the discussion from everyone. She had seen Xiao Chen's luck as early as Xingyao Road, and she was not surprised by this time.

"Oh, given the luck of killing the gods, I can't make a move now, and the gentleman sword has protested." Luo Jun glanced at the gentleman sword in his hand, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, since they discovered that Xiao Chen was extremely lucky. , They are not allowed to take action. They only need to wait for Xiao Chen to kill the star beast and divide the moon core.

"Zuoqiu, what are you doing with a calm face, since you have already surrendered to the killing god, then you can accept your fate." On the other side, Huajiao and Lu Dong stood calmly, and beside them, there was a figure, exactly before. Zuoqiu Yu who was suppressed by Xiao Chen in the phantom of the ladder.

Zuoqiu didn’t speak, and no one knew what he had gone through. Every day was endless battle. Even if he was a strong solar realm, he was tired and wanted to rest. But when he was about to rest, he was caught by the star beast. Woke up, time and time again, just like a person who just fell asleep was woken up, and more than once, he was not mentally weak, it was a miracle.

In the end, he couldn't help it any longer, and then announced his surrender to Xiao Chen.

At this point, Xiao Chen's team had one more Solar Power Realm powerhouse.

The group continued to set off. About a few hours later, the outline of a continent appeared in front of the crowd, and Luo Chang led the crowd and landed directly on the continent.

"It's here. When I discovered it, it was still an unknown continent. I named it, Spirit Grass Continent, because it was covered with all kinds of Spirit Grass."

Luo Chang said lightly, everyone looked around, and they could find that there were many kinds of spiritual grass around them, but these spiritual grasses had no effect on them.

"Who are you?" At this moment, a cold shout suddenly came. Then, a group of armored figures suddenly appeared, leading the young man in black armor and gave them a cold glance.

"This is a private domain, leave quickly, otherwise there will be no mercy!"

"There are people here?" Luo Chang frowned slightly, with a bad premonition in his heart. Could it be that the cave has been rushed into by others?

"Not going back!" The black armored youth shouted coldly again.

"This is the place of this girl. If you want to leave, it should be you." Luo Chang said coldly.

"Since you don't listen to persuasion, then go to die, kill!" The black armored young man said coldly, his face was full of killing intent, and with a big wave, the people behind him had already killed Xiao Chen and the others.

"Looking for death!" Luo Chang said coldly, and took the lead to greet him. With just a punch, one person flew out. When the others saw it, a few solemn eyes flashed, all of them surrounded Luo Chang.

Luo Chang looked like a human-shaped beast, blasting all the people around with a punch, and suddenly the surrounding figures were flying in the sky!

"Who are you?" The young man in black armor stared at Luo Chang gloomily, with his hand on the big knife on his waist.

"This is my territory, get out!" Luo Chang said coldly.

"No matter who you are, leave now, otherwise you will only have a dead end. You know, this is what the adult looks after."

The young man in black armor shouted coldly, the voice fell, and the big sword from his waist had been drawn out!

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