Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3774: Bright Holy Church!

"I want to shoot too, why don't we even split?" Hua Jiao started a round, and he also wanted to fight.

"No, they are all my prey!"

"its mine!"

"Anyway, I don't care, I have to shoot."

The three quarreled directly in front of everyone. Luo Jun, Luo Chang, and Zhu Dachang looked at each other, a little confused.

"A bunch of grass on the wall." Zuoqiu said that he looked at the three of you who were fighting for me, and he was very disdainful. He only thought that the three of them were doing this to show themselves in front of Xiao Chen. How could he understand the hearts of the three of them? Of suffering.

As for the black armor and others, watching the quarrel between the three, their faces were as dark as the bottom of the pot.

"A group of ants, you are looking for death!" The young man in black armor said with killing intent.

"The first is the best, whoever grabs it will count." Shen Yue's eyes flashed cunningly, and she didn't fight with the two people. A little bit below her feet, she rushed towards the armored figure.

"Only villains and women are difficult to raise. The ancients don't deceive me!" Lu Dong cursed and rushed over.

Hua Jiao shook his head helplessly, and rushed forward, but the two of them suddenly stopped, and they shouted shamelessly, because Shen Yue, who rushed to the front, directly released the overwhelming lifelessness and formed a stand. , If they want to go in, they will inevitably deal with lifelessness, and they don't want to get lifeless for this reason.

In the lifeless position, everyone couldn't see what happened. They could only hear the sound of blows and screams, and then the figures fell from the lifeless position to the ground, their noses and faces swollen, and their bodies were still exuding. Lifeless.

"Are these people really strong in the Solar Realm?" Zhu Dachang looked at the strong who fell to the ground. If they were strong in the Solar Realm, this would be too weak.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it later." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"They must not be strong in the Solar Realm." Zhu Dachang said in his heart, Shen Yue and the others are like a small follower behind Xiao Chen, how can these few defeat the strong in the Solar Realm? Obviously those people are not at all. What kind of strong solar power.

Soon, the lifeless stance was gone, but the scene in the field changed Luo Jun Luoshang's face. Shen Yue stood lightly, his face full of comfort, and the black armored youth knelt in front of her. The other armored figures all fell to the ground sorrowfully.

"Who are you!" the black armored youth asked in a deep voice.

"Who am I? How can you ask in the midst of a little solar radiance?" Shen Yue asked with disdain.

"Don't be too arrogant, let me tell you, we are of the Holy Church of Light. Offending us of Holy Church of Light, no matter who you are, there is only a dead end." The black armored youth threatened coldly.

"Guangming Shengjiao, what kind of ghost power is that?" Shen Yue frowned. She had been on Sun Yao Road for so long and had never heard of the Guangming Shengjia power.

"You don't even know the Holy Sect of Guangming. Could it be that you came out of the deep mountains and old forest? You know, Holy Sect of Guangming is the powerful force of Xingyao Road, Yueyao Road, and Riyao Road, and the only power of the Three Great Roads."

The young man in black armor introduced that he had fanatical belief in his eyes, and he had deep pride.

"The only force of the Three Great Roads, what nonsense is it talking about? The only one who will unify the Three Great Roads in the future is the Lu family's Young Master Feiyu." Zuo Qiuyu walked over. Although he surrendered to Xiao Chen, in his heart, he could dominate Japan. Lu Feiyu is still the one who shines.

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