Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3771: Double repair!

"Don't you dare!" Zhu Dachang roared sternly.

"Do you dare to see this witch!" Qianmei Yilian sneered. When she was in Mingxiaxing, she was fearless and domineering. At this time, she just returned to her original appearance.

When the voice fell, Qianmei Yilian had directly given Zhu Dachang a whip, Zhu Dachang's screams suddenly rang, and many people around were shaking all over, only feeling a pain in their body.

"Oh, you want to face and suffer!" Seeing Zhu Dachang's miserable condition, Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Aren't you intervening in this matter?" Luo Jun looked at Xiao Chen.

"Since I said it casually, naturally I won't intervene." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, Zhu Dachang killed himself, how could he intervene? He was saying that Qianmei Yilian's strength is far more than that, Qianmei Yilian is The eyes of Qianmei clan powerhouses are strong. If he guessed correctly, Qianmei Yilian's strongest point is also the eyes.

"Then you said Zhu Dachang would apologize?" Luo Jun asked.

"Although I don't know whether Zhu Dachang will apologize, I know that if Zhu Dachang does not apologize, Qianmei Yilian will keep smoking!" Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Then I hope Zhu Dachang can resist it." Luo Jun shook his head, but as soon as his words fell, he found that Zhu Dachang had already begged for mercy.

"Hold on, Xiaoye apologize." Zhu Dachang shouted.

"Apologize." Qianmei Yilian stopped attacking.

"Sorry, Xiaoye was wrong." Zhu Dachang apologized.

"Call grandma!"

"You..." Zhu Dachang's face flashed suffocated, and gritted his teeth: "Auntie, Xiaoye is wrong."

"The skin is thick and thick, and I dare to call myself a young master." Qianmei Yilian drew a whip directly.

"Grandma, I was wrong." Zhu Dachang said wittily. He knew that if he dared to hesitate, he would definitely get a whip again.

"Count you kid acquainted." Qianmei Yilian sneered and waved, whether it was the thunder whip or the thunder pillar, they disappeared.

Zhu Dachang limp directly on the ground, his face flashing gloomy.

"He just admitted wrong?" Everyone was a little surprised. Just now Zhu Dachang still had a stiff face, but turned around and apologized. This is too spineless.

Qianmei Yilian walked to Xiao Chen's side and smiled charmingly, "Before we set off, do we have one more thing to do?"

"Then wait two days." Xiao Chen said.

"Then let's go." Qianmei Yilian pulled Xiao Chen and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Shen Yue asked.

"Let's go to two repairs, you wait." Qianmei Yilian left a sentence, and the two have disappeared in front of everyone.

"Two repairs?" Everyone was shocked.

"It's so bold." Shen Yue said in amazement, even if she was the ancestor of the Shen family, she couldn't help her face being slightly red at this time.

A few days later, a group of people appeared on the dark road under the Yueyao Road ladder. Under the instructions of Luo Chang, the group set off toward the target. The star beasts encountered on the road were all handed over to Xiao Chen as a hand training. Up.

Even if it was the peak star beast of the Moonlight Realm, Xiao Chen was fearless.

Time passed quickly, before they knew it, Xiao Chen and the others had been on the dark road for more than a month.

"Have you found out that the **** of killing luck is outrageous, and within a month, you actually got so many moon cores." Shen Yue couldn't help but said as he watched Xiao Chen who had once again captured a moon core.

"Yes, this luck is outrageous!"

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