Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3759: Xiao Chen lost!

"My gentleman sword, Jian Zhan Xiaoxiao, you can actually block it unscathed. It seems that you are much stronger than this fat man." Luo Jun said lightly. He could cut Zhu Da intestine with a single sword but was blocked by Xiao Chen. After coming down, Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang were not on the same level at all.

"As expected, it is the strongest sword. Until now, I can't stop my hand shaking." Xiao Chen looked at the still shaking right hand and said very solemnly.

"You are also very good. No one of my generation can take my three swords. I hope you can hold the next sword." Luo Jun took a step forward, holding the hilt with his backhand and placing it on his chest. , Luojun's momentum instantly changed, as if man is a sword, and a sword is a man, achieving the unity of man and sword.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and he took a step and assumed the same posture as Luo Jun. The aura on his body also changed drastically. The two seemed to be hungry tigers about to kill their prey. The next moment, two rays of light flashed, Xiao Chen and Luojun have moved at the same time, and with a bang, the two figures have staggered and have exchanged positions.

Xiao Chen appeared in Luo Jun's original position, Luo Jun appeared in Xiao Chen's original position, the two turned their backs to back, and the atmosphere was extremely tense and solemn.

The surrounding powerhouses did not dare to take a mouthful. Everyone, including Luo Yu and others outside the ladder, stared at the two closely. They didn't dare to blink at all, for fear of missing the moment of who wins and who loses.


Suddenly a few cracking sounds came, and the Slaughter Sword in Xiao Chen's hand and the Junzi Sword in Luo Jun's hand were broken into several pieces at the same time and fell to the ground.

"The Gentleman's Sword is actually broken!" Luo Yu murmured. Luo Jun is known as the strongest sword. The gentleman's sword in his hand is invincible and can cut everything, but how can it be cut?

"Among your peers, you are the first to take my sword." Luo Jun slowly turned around and said lightly.

"I lost this trick." Xiao Chen also turned around, and as his voice fell, the clothes on his chest were torn open. Then, blood sprayed out, and it stayed on his chest. There was a blood stain.

Xiao Chen ran the Nine Turns Divine Desolation Jue, and the blood soon stopped. Although the Gentleman Sword and the Slaughter Sword shattered at the same time, Luo Jun left a wound on his body, and he failed to cause Luo Jun to hurt. In this duel, he lost completely.

"You are already great, and your defense is not weaker than that fat man, great." Luo Jun praised.

Hearing Luo Jun's praise, Xiao Chen was not at all happy, but rather unhappy. Although Luo Jun was complimenting him, he had a feeling of being superior.

"You look down on Xiaoye's defense?" At this moment, Zhu Dachang's voice came over, and then Zhu Dachang walked over slowly with a silver scale armor.

A nine-toothed rake exuding cold light, a silver scale armor, Zhu Dachang looks majestic, of course, if it were not for the fat body, I am afraid that the current Zhu Dachang is a silver armored war god.

"Huh?" Luo Jun and Xiao Chen looked at Zhu Dachang at the same time, their eyes flashed with surprise.

"Your scaled armor seems a little different!" Luo Jun said in surprise, and Xiao Chen also flashed a different color in his eyes.

"Of course it's different. Xiaoye is famous for his thick skin and indestructible defense. Don't you claim to be the strongest sword? Don't you claim to be invincible?"

Zhu Dachang patted the scale armor on his chest, "Come on, cut here, the young master wants to see if your sword is sharp or my Nine Profound scale armor is hard."

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