Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3758: Xiao Chen vs. Luo Jun!

"Interesting." Luo Jun suddenly smiled. The expression on Xiao Chen's face was the same as his expression when he met his favorite prey. He did not expect that he would be treated as a prey one day.

Just who is the prey and who is the hunter, you need to fight to know.

"Then compare and see who is stronger!" Luo Jun smiled, and the gentleman's sword in his hand was picked up, and a sharp sword light formed abruptly, cutting Xiao Chen straight.

The Slaughter Sword in Xiao Chen's hand was also picked up. A Slaughter Sword Light was formed. The two Sword Lights met directly in mid-air, and a fierce collision occurred. With a boom, the two Sword Lights exploded directly, and the sword energy scattered!

"Hahaha, I want to see how many swords you can take with me." Luo Jun smiled, holding up the sword in his hand, "Junzi sword, sword cut Xiaoxiao!"

There was a sharp sword intent on the gentleman's sword, and Xiao Chen's face condensed. This move was exactly the one that Luo Jun had just cut Zhu's large intestine.

"The sword of killing, the sword cuts the clouds!" Xiao Chen also raised the sword of killing in his hand high, and the killing sword intent burst out. Suddenly the killing sword intent and the sharp sword intent came into contact with each other, like two peerless beasts. During the confrontation, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Xiao Chen and Luo Jun were both gaining momentum. Zhu Dachang watched the two of them couldn't help but swallowed. Although he was not the person involved, he could feel the terrifying sword intent. He seemed to be able to feel it, if there were creatures. Entering between the confrontation between the two will definitely be broken.

After that, Zhu Dachang looked at Xiao Chen again. He had no idea that Xiao Chen would still use a sword, and it was so sharp. It seemed that Xiao Chen's strength was far more than that, he had never been able to force Xiao Chen's true strength.

Thinking of this, Zhu Dachang was very unwilling. He had only one thought in his heart, that is, to become stronger and stronger.

He didn't know that when his thoughts became stronger and stronger, the animal skins on his body slowly differentiated into pieces of hard scales, shining with silver light.

On the frontal battlefield, Xiao Chen and Luo Jun’s accumulation of power also reached the peak, and the swords in their hands were cut down at the same time, and the sword intent and sword light all around suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before. In the next moment, two incredibly huge sword glows formed abruptly, one sword glow was as thin as paper but extremely sharp, and one sword glow was as thick as a mountain, but full of killing.

The next moment, the two sword glows directly met in mid-air, and the sound of the stabbing continued to be heard. Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, the sun and the moon faded, and the two sword glows continued to stalemate, and no one would let anyone else.

The aura in Xiao Chen's body surged crazily, and it was strong when it was strong, and the stronger the Lord was, the stronger he was, and he was definitely not allowed to lose.


After a stalemate, the two sword beams that were facing each other burst directly, and the horrible sword energy dissipated to the surroundings. Zhu Dachang and the surrounding powerhouses changed their faces and hurriedly offered defense to block the sword energy that was coming towards them.


Suddenly a strong screamed, and their defense was pierced by the scattered sword energy, which directly stabbed them, and suddenly retreated from the battlefield in fright.

When the sword energy dissipated, everyone looked towards the center of the battlefield with shock in their eyes. In the center of the battlefield, Xiao Chen and Luo Jun fought against each other. Luo Jun was dressed in a costume, no wind, automatic, holding a gentleman sword, looking windy Light clouds are light.

Compared with the calm and gentle fall of the monarch, Xiao Chen looked much more embarrassed. The green robe on his body looked like a beggar's clothes. He was cut several times by the sword aura, and Xiao Chen's hand holding the killing sword was also slightly Trembling.

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