Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3760: Attacking Zhu Dachang!

"Bajie, you first step back, he is my prey, and my battle with him is not over yet." Xiao Chen shook his hand.

"No, the little master has just inspired the scaled armor of the Nine Profounds, you must take revenge, you first step aside, and the little master will fight him first." Zhu Dachang stepped forward and stopped.

"Bajie, should we fight first?" Xiao Chen looked at Zhu Dachang, his eyes full of determination.

"Just hit it. When the little master is afraid that you won't succeed, the little master just wants to restore the name of Zhu Dachang." Zhu Dachang looked at Xiao Chen and tightened the nine-tooth rake in his hand!


Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang directly took a posture.

"You two don't have to fight, let's go together." When the two were in a stalemate, Luo Jun said lightly, but his face was a little ugly.

"To deal with you, there is no need for the two of us to come together, the little master will meet you first!" Zhu Dachang was immediately angry, and he did not wait for everyone to react. He had already started directly, and the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand had already raked down against Luo Jun.

Luo Jun flashed away, already retreated to the sky, and looked at Zhu Dachang faintly: "Well, let's solve you first, and I'm fighting the **** of death."

When the voice fell, Luo Jun plucked two hairs on his head and turned them into two gentleman swords, which were held in his hands by Luo Jun and turned into double swords.

The double swords in Luo Jun's hands kept swinging, and the sword beams slashed towards Zhu Dachang. Suddenly, there was a clinking sound. After Luo Jun stopped attacking, he suddenly frowned.

"The strongest sword is nothing more than that." Zhu Dachang brushed the scales on his body, and said with disdain, there were no traces of the nine profound scales on Zhu Dachang.

"Junzi sword, sword cut Xiaoxiao!" Luo Jun shouted again, and the two swords in his hand were cut down at the same time. Two sharp sword beams were cut off at the shoulders of Zhu Dachang. Luojun wanted to cut both of Zhu Dachang at the same time. One arm was chopped off.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, Luo Jun's use of double swords was much stronger than a single sword, and the power of the two sword lights was not weaker than the sword that slashed Zhu Dachang before.

Zhu Dachang naturally felt the power of the sword light. If it was the case before, he would definitely turn around and run without saying anything. But now, he has a bodyguard with nine profound scales, and his heart is full of confidence. Dao Jian Mang fell on his shoulders.


There was a fierce metal sound, and Zhu Dachang's legs were a little bent, but the sword light dispersed, but Luo Jun saw that there were only some sword marks on Zhu Dachang's shoulders, but they could not be cut.

Luo Jun's eyes condensed, and he took a step forward, holding the double hilts with his backhands in both hands. The next moment, he suddenly disappeared. When he reappears, he has already appeared behind Zhu Dachang. And this move was just with Xiao Chen. That trick of bumping.


There was a crisp sound, and a piece of scale on Zhu Dachang's chest was divided into two halves and dropped to the ground, but Zhu Dachang did not have any injuries on his body.

"Hahaha, Yueyao Road's strongest sword is nothing more than that!" Zhu Dachang laughed, his laughter was full of sarcasm.

"Interesting, interesting, worthy of the famous thick skin, now even thicker." Luo Jun was not angry, just turned and said lightly.

"Today we will have a lot of fun to see if it is your strongest sword or my strongest skin and thick flesh." Zhu Dachang shook his fat body, the scales that had just fallen off, again Grow out.

"I want to know too." Luo Jun said lightly, and then slapped the two swords. The two gentlemen swords turned into one gentleman sword, and the gentleman sword slowly burned flames, and Luo Jun's momentum greatly increased.

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