Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3757: Gentleman sword!

"Get out of the way!" The thirteen noble servants opened the way. The strong people around were about to turn their heads and were about to scold them, but when they saw all the thirteen noble servants in black, they suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and a frightened face flashed across their faces. Flashed to both sides.

Soon, a way was cleared, and Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang also stopped, looking at Luo Jun and Thirteen Sovereigns who came slowly.

"Luo Family Grand Master Luo Jun!?" Zhu Dachang was suddenly startled, and the fat on his face trembled.

"You know?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The most outstanding genius in the family, known as the strongest sword, a gentleman's sword, is invincible. Since his debut, he has left me with the most scars, even more than those of the late Moonlight Realm."

Zhu Dachang said solemnly, as if he had thought of something, his body was still aching.

"Unexpectedly, you still remember me. I haven't seen you for so long. I don't know how much you have grown. Just let me try it." Luo Jun smiled lightly, pulling out a piece of hair from his chestnut head, and then turning it directly into A sharp sword shining with cold light.

"The Gentleman's Sword, all invincible!" Luo Jun took the Gentleman's Sword and pointed at Zhu's intestine!

Zhu Dachang's face was a bit heavy, and pieces of animal skin appeared on his body. Zhu Dachang directly took out his strongest defense.

"Come to fight!" Zhu Dachang clenched the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand and looked directly at Luo Jun.

"The gentleman sword, the sword cuts the heroes!" Luo Jun said lightly, the gentleman sword in his hand slightly stabbed forward, and suddenly countless sword qi appeared around Zhu Dachang. Zhu Dachang was unable to defend himself, and countless sword qi stabbed. The animal skin on his body suddenly heard a sound like metal switching.

"It's so sharp." Xiao Chen admired a little. The animal skins on Zhu Dachang's body had small mouths, blood splattered, and Zhu Dachang screamed.

"Junzi Sword, Jian Zhan Xiaoxiao!" Luo Jun spoke again, the surrounding sword energy suddenly disappeared, and then the space seemed to quiet down suddenly, the next moment, the gentleman sword in Luo Jun's hand sent an unusually sharp sword energy, sword energy Three feet tall, but as thin as thin paper!

Zhu Dachang's complexion suddenly changed, he was deeply impressed by this move, a roar came from his throat, Zhu Dachang turned into a wild boar, and at this moment, the gentleman sword in Luojun's hand was also cut down.


The sword qi slashed directly on the shoulder of the huge wild boar, and Zhu Dachang screamed, the sword qi penetrated three feet deep, bloodstained, and sword marks appeared on the bones.

Zhu Dachang recovered his body, clutching his shoulders, staring at Luo Jun, "As expected of the strongest sword, so many attacks on me, it is not as good as your sword."

"It's been a long time since the gentleman sword is a bit blunt. It didn't even cut off your arm. It seems that you can't relax at any time." Luo Jun shook his head and looked at the scar on Zhu Dachang's shoulder. It is dissatisfaction.

"Asshole!" Zhu Dachang cursed secretly, with anger on his face. This is too small for him, but he also knows that the strongest sword is not to say, although his defense is strong, it can't stop it. Dozens of swords.

"Zhu Dachang, you made me a little disappointed, but it doesn't matter, just work hard." Luo Jun shook his head, then looked at Xiao Chen, "I hope you don't let me down."

Xiao Chen looked at Luo Jun. Luo Jun's face was full of excitement of meeting his favorite prey. It seemed that he was treated as a prey, and he grinned suddenly, "You should not let me down!"

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