Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3732: Here comes the revenge!

"If those people dare to come, the little master will swallow them all." Zhu Dachang said viciously, the anger on his face still not cleared.

The crowd didn't speak, they just dispersed, offended and left home. They didn't have any expressions. After all, their goal was the road home behind the home.

Xiao Chen opened up a cave and came to the ladder. In the ladder, Zuo Qiuyu was fighting the star beast, but at this time, he was already exhausted. He was kicked by the star beast as a toy. Kick over.

"Zuoqiu, do you still want to continue?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Asshole, there is a kind of singles with me, relying on these star beasts, what kind of ability?" Zuoqiuyu looked at Xiao Chen with a green face. These days, he either fights with the star beasts or is played with the star beasts. Going crazy.

"Forgot to tell you that I am still a summoner, and it is only natural to summon star beasts to fight." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You..." Zuo Qiuyu's face was pale, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Surrender to me and recognize me as master." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Don't think about it, I will not betray the young master." Zuo Qiu said with gritted teeth.

"Really, I like torturing hard bones like you the most. Since you don't surrender, then you will be here and play with these star beasts." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then waved his hand. Zuoqiu language was used as a toy, kicking around.

Xiao Chen withdrew from the ladder, and then with a thought, a scorpion appeared on his shoulder, it was a small scorpion.

As Xiao Chen broke through to the pseudo-yueyao, the seal on the little scorpion was lifted again, and the current little scorpion had the cultivation base of the peak of the moonlight.

Xiao Chen touched Xiao Xie, then sat cross-legged, and began to cultivate. The preparations he had to make were already prepared, what he needed now was to improve his cultivation.

They knew that they would get revenge, but everyone didn’t expect that the revenge would come to the valley so soon. However, to the surprise of Xiao Chen and others, it was not a group of strong people who came here, but only one person, one with a slightly face shape. A fat, twenty-eight-year-old girl, looks harmless to humans and animals.

Xiao Chen and the others all walked out and frowned slightly as they looked at the little girl who appeared suddenly.

"My name is Luo Chang, I am the younger sister of Luo and Luo Fei. I came to avenge my two brothers. Fatty and you, come out and die." The little girl, who is Luo Chang, pointed to Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen said frankly.

"What you, you, you, my name is Killing God, remember my name." Xiao Chen said.

"Kill God, I remember." Luo Chang nodded, "Kill God, Fatty, come out and die, I will kill you."

The woman's words are very straightforward, and her face is full of seriousness, but the woman speaks so solemnly, not only without the slightest coercion, but also feels a little cute and cute.

"Where's the stinky girl, dare to speak wildly here, eat Xiaoye first!" Zhu Dachang is not a person who is pitying and xiyu. At this time, he was named, and naturally he couldn't stay longer. The nine-tooth nail rake appeared in his hand. Hit Luo Chang directly!

Seeing that the nine-tooth nail rake was about to fall on Luo Chang's body, at this moment, Luo Chang suddenly raised a finger and blocked the falling nine-tooth nail rake in an understatement!

Zhu Dachang was stunned, and the other strong men were also stunned.

At this moment, Luo Chang flicked a finger on the nine-tooth rake, and Zhu Dachang felt a terrifying force coming. He could hardly grasp the nine-tooth rake. The next moment, the nine-tooth rake was directly He flew out with him and hit the mountain hard.

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