Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3731: We don't want to die!

"I have reminded you already, don't underestimate me, you should go on together, otherwise you will lose miserably."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, quite a man with a strong momentum.

"Boy, you are too arrogant." A Moonlight Realm powerhouse said solemnly, and just as he was speaking, the Moonlight Realm powerhouse who had been beaten by Xiao Chen had returned. Ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses Zhe Qiqi burst out the breath of the Moonlight Realm, ten breaths gathered together, strong and terrifying, and the surrounding atmosphere was even more suppressed.

"Arrogant, because I have arrogant capital, if you don't agree, then try." Xiao Chen hooked his finger, extremely arrogant.

"Find death, kill!" A Moonlight Realm powerhouse said gloomily. The next moment, ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses shot at the same time, like ten streams of light, rushing towards Xiao Chen.

"Good coming." Xiao Chen laughed, the strength of the moonlight in his body was fateful, Xiao Chen clenched the Ruyi golden hoop, greeted him, and suddenly all kinds of collisions sounded.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel in Xiao Chen's hand opened and closed, completely defensive, and just attacked desperately. Under Xiao Chen's reckless attack, a strong Moonlight Realm would soon be beaten out by Xiao Chen.

Luo Yu's face was gloomy and Luo Fei was dumbfounded. Who are these two people? The April messenger and the ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses who beat more and less, unexpectedly fell into trouble.

"Withdraw!" Luo Yu suddenly shouted in a deep voice, the voice fell, and Luo Yu turned and left. The April messenger suddenly burst out of the power of the moon. The next moment, the four suddenly disappeared and appeared outside the ice space. Return to fall to the side.

The ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses also directly stopped their attacks and returned to fall beside them. Immediately afterwards, everyone quickly evacuated, leaving with a burst of sound, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Luo Yu et al evacuated so simply that Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen didn't react for a while. After the reaction, the figure of Luo Yu et al had already disappeared.

"Grandma is a bear, running so fast, Xiaoye hasn't swallowed them yet." Zhu Dachang cursed.

"My ancestor, I have suffered a loss this time. I will definitely make a comeback. I also asked the ancestors to show us where we should go?" The old man looked at Shen Yue and said very heavily. The family has almost ruled Yueyao Road. The well-deserved overlord of Yueyao Road, but now suffered a loss at the transfer station, this venue will definitely be found back, maybe the entire transfer venue will be implicated.

"The soldiers come to cover the water and the earth, come and kill one by one, come and kill one pair, come and kill a group!" Shen Yue said lightly, her voice full of killing intent.

"Old ancestor, it's impossible. It's too strong to get home. We don't have any chance of winning at all." The old man shook his head, there was no fighting spirit on his face, and some were just panic.

"What if there is no chance of winning, it's just death." Shen Yue said lightly.

"Sorry old ancestor, we don't want to die yet, we can't fight against Luojia." The old man bowed, and then slowly retreated back without hesitation. Other strong men also apologized, and the figure also retreated with the old man, but In the blink of an eye, these people have all disappeared, leaving only a mess.

"It's a bunch of rubbish!" Shen Yue was extremely angry. As the Shen family, she ran away without a fight, and she almost humiliated the Shen family and her face.

"It doesn't help to get angry now. We just need to wait for the family to kill." Xiao Chen said lightly, and after his words fell, he walked away. The village has been destroyed and he wants to find a new place to live.

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