Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3733: Strong little girl!

"This woman is such a powerful force!" Shen Yue, Hua Jiao, and Lu Dong all frowned slightly.

"This baby girl turned out to be born with supernatural power, boy, you have encountered a big enemy, I am afraid that all of you are going together, and it is not this baby girl's opponent." The old man's voice rang in Xiao Chen's mind.

"What a joke, this woman is only in the middle of the Moonlight Realm, how could it possibly defeat all of us." Xiao Chen frowned.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it." Gan Lao smiled lightly.

"Try it, try it." Xiao Chen's expression sank, and he rushed towards Luo Chang with a punch.

At this moment, Luo Chang raised a finger and easily blocked Xiao Chen's fist.

Xiao Chen's powerful punch was actually stopped by Luo Chang lightly with a finger. This scene was full of visual impact.

"How is it possible!" Xiao Chen's face was shocked, and at this moment, Luo Chang's other finger bounced on Xiao Chen's fist, and Xiao Chen felt as if he had been hit by a fast-moving train. He flew out in an instant, directly embedded in the mountains.

Shen Yue and the others were a little surprised, Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang were actually flicked by a finger of the little girl in front of them?


At this moment, two explosions sounded, and Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen rushed out, and soon returned to the place, looking at the harmless Lao Chang, with solemn eyes.

"Lu Dong, Huajiao, go and try this little girl's depth." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Okay." Hua Jiao and Lu Dong nodded, Hua Jiao took the lead, turning his palms into fingers, and his fingers were full of power, pointing straight to Luo Chang.

Luo Chang's eyes widened slightly, and the whole person looked more adorable, and then stretched out a finger. The next moment, the **** met in mid-air.

Hua Jiao's expression changed, staring at Luo Chang blankly, his face was full of weirdness, the next moment, Hua Jiao flew out directly, embedded in the mountain.

Lu Dong's expression instantly sank, staring at Luo Chang, he could naturally see that Hua Jiao had just shot with all his strength, but even so, she was still knocked out by Luo Chang. Could it be that Luo Chang in front of him was better than Xiao Chen More perverted genius?

"Go," Xiao Chen said.

Lu Dong nodded, and went directly to the opposite of Luo Chang, but Lu Dong did not choose to head-on, but condensed a giant palm, directly facing Luo Chang!

Luo Chang's face was calm, and with a flick of his fingers, a force bounced out and directly hit the giant palm. The entire giant palm was like paper, with a hole in the middle, and then the giant palm passed through Luoshang and fell on the giant palm. Behind Chang, there was a loud noise.

Luo Chang flicked his finger again, and a force hit Lu Dong's incredible gaze on his shoulder, instantly bursting out a blood flower, and then Lu Dong directly flew out, embedded in the mountains.

"Is this little girl really so powerful?" Shen Yue frowned slightly, and then unwilling to show her weakness, she directly used her lifelessness, but her lifelessness was directly scattered by Luo Chang's fingers, and then Shen Yue was also lost by Luo Chang. The bullet flew out and was embedded in the mountains.

Qianmei Yilian, Wei Wuxin, and Crazy Blade were completely dumbfounded. They had already known the cultivation base of Shen Yue and others, but such a strong cultivation base was defeated by a little girl. What is this little girl? What is sacred?

Xiao Chen looked at Luo Chang, his eyes flashed with shock, this little girl, where did such a strong power come from?

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