Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3730: Nowhere!

"I'm your brother, how could it be possible to watch you fighting alone, today I will let you and my brother join hands to kill these guys." Xiao Chen did not use nine knives, but condensed the wishful golden hoop. He wanted Play Monkey King to the end.

"Get up!" Zhu Dachang was too lazy to pay attention to Xiao Chen, and rushed directly to one of the April messengers. The nine-tooth nail rake in his hand was raked down, and suddenly a rake shadow exuding chill formed, and the surrounding space suddenly seemed to be frozen by the cold. In general, the speed of this messenger was a bit slow, and he was almost beaten to the head by the nine-tooth rake.


The April messenger said indifferently, the four attacked at the same time, and the four fingerprints attacked from four different directions. The nine-tooth nail rake in Zhu Dachang's hand swept around and directly stopped all the four attacks.

"Hahaha, what's the name of a good weapon?" Zhu Dachang looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Nine-tooth nail rake!" Xiao Chen said.

"What a nine-tooth nail rake." Zhu Dachang smiled, "Nine-tooth ice space, let the young master struggle in the ice."

Zhu Dachang rotated the nine-tooth nail rakes in his hand, and suddenly a wave of chill radiated to the surroundings, forming a icy space, covering all the April messengers in it.

"Bajie, let me help you, brother, too." Xiao Chen said lightly, the power in his body was transformed into ice, and the cold air in the golden hoop of Ruyi gushed and blessed in the ice space, instantly multiplying the power of the ice space.

"You four despicable and shameless guys, let me see how you run this time." Zhu Dachang sneered, and the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand was constantly waving and entering the land of no one. Due to the obstacles of the ice, the April Messenger was slow. A lot of it, so that it will hit it from time to time.

"Second brother, what should I do, the messenger of April seems to have fallen under the wind?" Luo Fei looked at Luo Yu and asked nervously.

With a gloomy expression on his face, he didn't expect that the April Envoy would fall into the wind. Then he glanced at the Moonlight Realm powerhouses and said in a deep voice, "Go and help April Envoy."

"Yes!" The ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses wanted to do it, but at this moment, Xiao Chen held the Ruyi golden hoop in front of them.

"This road is nowhere!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Boy get out!" a Moonlight Realm powerhouse shouted coldly.

"I'm not going to roll, it's better you teach me." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" The Moonlight Realm powerhouse yelled coldly, the Moonlight Realm aura burst out in an all-round way, and he came to the front of Xiao Chen in the blink of an eye, and slapped him on the top of his head.

"Get out of here!" Xiao Chen knocked it off with a stick.

"I advise you to not underestimate me, my strength is stronger than that fat man." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Huh." The other strong men snorted coldly, frowning and looking at Xiao Chen. Zhu Dachang was in the Moonlight Realm. They had already noticed that, so they didn't dare to underestimate it, but Xiao Chen was just a fake Yueyao. They didn't take it seriously.

"Go to two people and kill him. Remember, don't underestimate him." A strong man said solemnly.

"Yes!" The two Moonlight Realm powerhouses rushed directly to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and the Ruyi golden hoop in his hand swept out directly. The two Moonlight Realm powerhouses hurriedly defended, but they underestimated Xiao Chen's power and were directly shot out.

The other Moonlight Realm powerhouses who were planning to help the April Envoy also stopped, and they looked at Xiao Chen with a little weirdness in their eyes.

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