Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3601: Kill the crazy shadow sky!

Kill God Village!

"You are the Evil Sword Huang Tian?" Xiao Chen appeared opposite the youth. He could feel the dangerous breath coming from the youth, so it was not difficult to guess that the youth in front of him was the Evil Sword Huang Tian.

The evil young man glanced up and down at Xiao Chen, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and said, "What do you call it?"

"Kill God!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

The evil young man glanced slightly, and then showed an evil smile on his face: "Introduce yourself, evil sword Yingtian."

"Evil Sword Yingtian?" Xiao Chen was startled, his eyes flashed with a slight doubt, "Isn't it Evil Sword Huangtian?"

"The evil sword Huang Tian is the younger brother of my twins. Huang Tian has an unusual talent since he was a child, but I am a lot worse. I am like the shadow of Huang Tian. I can only hide in the dark, cutting through thorns and paving the way for him. I gave me a name, Yingtian!"

Yingtian's faint words were full of endless vicissitudes of anger and unwillingness. He looked at Xiao Chen plainly, "I have already introduced my true identity, should you also introduce your true origin."

Xiao Chen looked at Yingtian, and after a while, he smiled slightly, "Killing God Xiao Chen!"

"Slaying God Xiao Chen, that's the case, but my perception is not wrong. You really are called Xiao Chen." Yingtian looked at Xiao Chen unexpectedly: "It's just that I didn't expect that you would be called Killing God Xiao Chen, not God of War. Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen looked at Yingtian with some surprise, but he obviously didn't expect that he could see his identity at a glance, "The **** of war, Xiao Chen, is just the belief in my childhood. Killing the **** of Xiao Chen is the way I will go from now on. ."

"Hahaha! Good point, it seems that Evil Sword Yingtian should have retired from the stage from now on. Starting today, my name is Killing Kuangyingtian, Killing God, are you interested? In the future, there will be more companion."

Yingtian laughed loudly. With this smile, it seemed that all the depression and depression had disappeared, and then stretched out his hand and looked at Xiao Chen with piercing eyes.

"Killing God Xiao Chen, please give me more advice in the future." Xiao Chen reached out and took Yingtian's hand.

"Skilling Kuang Yingtian, please give me more advice in the future." Yingtian smiled. He has been shadowing for too long. Starting today, he is no longer the shadow of Evil Sword Huang Tian, ​​but Killing Kuang Yingtian.

Xiao Chen looked at Yingtian. Although he had only seen Yingtian for the first time, he had no sense of disobedience to Yingtian’s goodwill. Perhaps he was once proud of being the God of War Xiao Chen, or he was bound by the God of War Xiao Chen. But now, he just wants to be himself, at least if someone sees him in the future, it is not because of the **** of war Xiao Chen shocked, but because of the killing **** Xiao Chen.

On this point, he coincided with Yingtian, which is why Xiao Chen was willing to make good friends with Yingtian.

Xiao Chen took Yingtian and fell into the Killing God Village. Xiao Chen directly introduced Killing Kuangyingtian to everyone. Mo Yu and others were a little confused. They had never heard of Killing Kuangyingtian, but Yingtian gave them. It feels very dangerous, so it does not hinder their respect for Killing Kuang Yingtian.

Xiao Chen took Yingtian around the village, and then returned to his attic.

"Kill Kuang, how did you recognize my identity?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"My perception was very strong when I was very young. In my universe, I met the God of War Xiao Chen when I was young and wrote down his breath. Later, there was another God of War Xiao Chen, although the two breaths were very similar. But I can be sure that they are not the same person, and it was only after I recognized the **** of war Xiao Chen that Evil Sword Huang Tian could have a relationship with him, so when I saw you, I already recognized it."

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