Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3602: The evil sword Huang Tian has arrived!

Yingtian didn't conceal anything. Hearing that, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, thinking of something. He was cultivated by Xiao Chen in black clothes. Perhaps in other universes, there is also a avatar of the God of War, Xiao Chen, who is cultivating a new God of War.

"The God of War Xiao Chen is not the name of a person, but the name of a terrorist group. Anyone in the group is proud of Xiao Chen, the God of War. Killing God, you are the first alternative I have ever seen."

Ying Tian said indifferently, he and Huang Tian had met the **** of war Xiao Chen together. When the **** of war Xiao Chen learned what the name represented, he became so proud, wishing everyone knew he was the **** of war Xiao Chen. The killing **** Xiao Chen not only changed his name, but also his face. He had a feeling that the Xiao Chen in front of him might be able to surpass the **** of war Xiao Chen.

"The God of War Xiao Chen brought not only fame and fortune, but also crisis. I don't want to cause countless crises because of an inexplicable name."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What you see is thorough. Evil sword Huang Tian will find you after seeing me for a long time. I believe you are not a scumbag. You will definitely conflict with Huang Tian, ​​and also with Xiao Chen, the **** of war behind Huang Tian. , Are you ready?"

"Always be prepared, and I have long wanted to meet them. Although I don't want to admit it, the fighting will in the blood of the God of War is not easily indelible."

Xiao Chen leaned on the sofa with anticipation on his face.

"One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, there will be a victory and defeat between them, whether it is the **** of war Xiao Chensheng or the killing **** Xiao Chensheng, there is really some expectation." Yingtian leaned on the soft sofa, his face was also full of expectation.

The news that Evil Sword Huang Tian did not leave the Killing God Village quickly spread in the upper-class cultivation area. There was a lot of discussion, and there was even speculation that Evil Sword Huang Tian died in Killing God Village.

Of course, this news was sent out by the two forces of the hunting **** Mo Sheng and the Tathagata Shilong, and it was so plausible, as if they had seen it with their own eyes, making Evil Sword Huang Tian panic.

But at this moment, Evil Sword Huang Tian reappeared, with a large number of powerful men, and headed toward the medium training area. With the appearance of Evil Sword Huang Tian, ​​the rumors were self-defeating, but Evil Sword Huang Tian However, his actions also attracted the attention of all the powerhouses in the upper-level training area.

Kill outside the gods!

Qi Zheng followed Xie Jian Huang Tian, ​​his eyes flushed, and angrily stared at the Killing God Village below, wishing to destroy the Killing God Village directly in return for his previous humiliation.

Huang Tian looked down indifferently, and did not speak, but so many of them suddenly appeared. Killing God Village found out at the first time. Xiao Chen brought Yingtian, Mo Yu, Bai Mie, Scar Sover and other strong people. Appeared outside the stockade and confronted Huang Tian and others in midair.

Bai Mie, Scar Sovereign, Mo Yu looked at the people behind Huang Tian, ​​feeling distressed. These people are all perverted powerhouses in the upper-level cultivation area. It is the first time they have seen so many perverted powerhouses gathered together. .

But fortunately, they have self-knowledge, they know their own strength, Huang Tian and others simply look down on it, even if they betray the Killing God Village and surrender to them, it is only a dead end. They can only put all hope on Xiao Chen. In his body, I hope Xiao Chen has the strength to fight against these people.

Huang Tian didn't pay attention to other people at all. He just set his eyes on Yingtian and said indifferently: "What do you mean?"

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