Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3600: You are too noisy!

"The evil sword is not here, I am not interested in making a move anymore. You play slowly." Xiao Chen said, the voice fell, and the Slaughter Sword Curtain opened a channel, and the two of Xiao Chen fell directly, and as the two of Xiao Chen disappeared, they were on the channel. Full of killing sword intent again.

"Hands, smash this barrier for me." Qi Zheng gritted his teeth, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Looking at Qi Zheng's expressions, the other strong men showed weird expressions, but Qi was the celebrity in front of the evil sword. They were not easy to offend, so they started again and furiously attacked the Slaughter Sword.

Qi Zheng and the others kept attacking, but after an unknown period of time, there was laughter from inside the sword curtain. Qi Zheng and others were taken aback, and then they found that a banquet was set up in the cottage inside the sword curtain. Many powerful people sang and danced, talking and laughing. , So leisurely.

"Eat, drink, sing, jump, and get hi!" Xiao Chen raised his arms, and joyous voices continued from the village.

At this time, Qi Zheng and the others were all stunned. They looked down stupidly. He and the others attacked the enchantment hard. As a result, everyone in the enchantment opened the banquet, which did not put them in their eyes. Up.

"Too much deception, too much deception, when I break through the barrier, I will definitely kill you all!" Qi Zheng roared angrily. He has cultivated for countless years and has not been so angry since he saw Xiao Chen. , Qi Zheng felt that his calmness had been eaten by the dog.

Xiao Chen gave Qi Zheng a blank look, his eyes were full of disdain, and then he ignored him and had a drink with Mo Yu and others.

Qi Zheng almost spewed out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and said: "Continue to attack!"

"Forget it, our attack has no effect at all. The person who arranged this enchantment is not something we can provoke. We should go back and report to Master Evil Sword and make a decision." A strong object opposed.

"That's right, our internal energy consumption is serious, and when we attack, we just do useless work."

"Shut up to me, I said continue to attack!" Qi Zheng roared, completely ignoring the ugly expressions of other strong men.

"You are too noisy." At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice came, and then, the Slaughter Sword Curtain was suddenly full of sword intent, and then countless sword auras instantly stabbed Qi Zheng and the others.

Qi Zheng and the others changed their expressions and hurriedly raised their defenses, but their defenses, under the sword aura, were like paper, they were quickly pierced by the sword aura, and then everyone was directly thrown out.

Xiao Chen seemed to have done a trivial thing and continued to talk about the wine, while Qi Zheng and the others appeared thousands of miles away from the Killing God Village. At this time, there were many wounds on their bodies, and their bodies were ragged, like beggar pants.

"There are super strong here, let's go first!" The famous strong stared solemnly, his voice fell, and he turned and left. Other strong men saw this and left one after another, and soon only one Qi Zheng remained.

"How could this happen? How could such a strong person appear in the medium training area?" Qi Zhengzheng looked a little confused.

The news that Qi Zheng and the others left the middle-level training area in embarrassment quickly spread in the upper-level training area. Suddenly, the evil sword Huang Tian side became the laughing stock of the other two parties, and the other two parties were watching the evil sword and them. Jokes.

Soon, a piece of news came out that Evil Sword Huang Tian left the upper-level training area alone and headed for the middle-level training area.

In the medium training area, when a young man with a broad sword and a look of evil appeared outside the Killing God Village, Xiao Chen felt it for the first time.

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