Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3599: Are you tired?

"Boss, would you be so good to the Evil Sword's messenger?" Mo Yu finally couldn't help asking after a long while.

"There is nothing wrong with the soldiers coming to cover the water and the earth, and just wait for the evil sword to come." Xiao Chen didn't care at all. Xiao Chen didn't have much fun in the previous fight with Mo Yu and he was waiting for the strong to come.

"But..." Mo Yuzheng wanted to say something, Xiao Chen had disappeared directly, and then what Mo Yu didn't say could only turn into a sigh.

Mo Yu, Bai Mie, and Scar Huang looked at each other. The three of them didn't know what to do, and now they could only trust Xiao Chen.

Qi Zheng, who was kicked by Xiao Chen, finally stopped, but his face was distorted to the extreme because of anger and pain, "No one has ever dared to humiliate me so much. I will let you know what Thunder Wrath is. "

Qi Zheng returned to the upper-level training area, instead of looking for Evil Sword, but directly looking for a few strong people who had good friendships, and then rushed towards Killing God Village.

The first-class training area became a three-legged situation, Qi Zheng led a few strong men and rushed away, and in a blink of an eye it was passed to the other two forces.

After Qi Zheng brought a few powerful men over to the village of Killing God, he didn't have any nonsense at all. He just said coldly: "I slaughtered this village for me, everyone will kill me!"

"Good!" The other strong nodded, and they were ready to do it.

"The Slaughter Sword Curtain!" In the attic, when Qi Zheng and the others appeared, Xiao Chen felt it. He thought he could see the Evil Sword, but he didn't expect that there were only a few strong men similar to Qi Zheng, and he suddenly lost interest.

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, the entire Killing God Village was suddenly protected by a light curtain formed by the killing sword intent, and the Killing Awakening was opened directly.

"What is this, it's a bit like an enchantment, but it's a bit different?" Suddenly a strong person asked in doubt.

"Whatever he is, just smash it to me!" Qi Zheng said angrily, and then shot directly. Seeing this, the other strong men could only follow Qi Zheng to shoot together, and suddenly one attack fell on the killing sword curtain. .

It's just their attack, like a rock like a sea, a little splash, and then there is no movement.

At first they didn't pay attention, after all, even the enchantment would not last long, but after their attacks, they found that the Slaughter Sword Curtain was not broken at all.

"Everyone, are you tired? Do you want to sit down and drink, rest and rest."

At this moment, a voice came from the sword curtain, and then Xiao Chen walked out with Mo Yu, and looked at Qi Zheng and the others faintly.

"Boy, it's you!" After Qi Zheng saw Xiao Chen, he subconsciously felt the pain between his legs, and his eyes showed a desire to eat people.

The other powerhouses looked at Qi Zheng strangely. They didn't know what happened. They only came together because of Qi Zheng's face. Now that Qi Zheng is so angry, it makes them very curious about what happened. .

"It's not me, but why didn't I see Evil Sword? I still want to fight him. It's disappointing that you didn't invite him. It seems that the **** is an eunuch. Even in Hong, he is just a slave." Xiao Chen was disappointed. Shook his head.

"Eunuch?" Hearing this, the other strong men were startled, and subconsciously glanced at Qi Zheng's key parts.

Qi Zheng's expression was instantly pale, and now the word **** has become his taboo, and he roared: "Kill him, kill him!"

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