Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2883: Eight Princes!

Black Wind Forest!

Xiao Chen and his party moved towards the direction of the capital, and at this moment, the footsteps of the crazy wolf suddenly paused.

"Three young masters." Mad Wolf said.

"what happened?"

"Three young masters, the deputy head of the mad wolf mercenary group sent a message with the Thousand Miles Transmission Talisman that they were besieged by the mercenary group of the Blackstone Nation, let me save them." The mad wolf said.

"The mercenary group of the Blackstone Nation." Xiao Chen was taken aback. The Blackstone Nation was a neighbor of the North Yan Nation, and the two countries often had friction.

"Let's go, go and see!" Xiao Chen said, receiving the message from the Thousand Miles Transmission Talisman, indicating that it is not far from here, and how can the Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group be his person? Let others be bullied.

Xiao Chen and Wang Ling sat on the fire unicorn, and the group hurried on their way. Ten minutes later, Xiao Chen and others appeared on a slope, and on the plain not far away, they were fighting.

A group of mercenary groups with the emblem of the Blackstone Kingdom continued to attack, and in the middle was the symbol of Tianling Pavilion, and it was the mercenary group of the Northern Yan Kingdom that protected them layer by layer.

"This is the medicine gathering team of the Tianling Pavilion. The leader of the team is the strongest genius of the Northern Yan Kingdom, the Eighth Prince. This eighth prince has such a great spirit. In order to climb the Tianling Pavilion, he invited three major mercenary groups. "

The mad wolf said in a deep voice, in the medicine gathering team, there was a handsome young man in white clothes, holding a long sword, standing on a liger beast, and he was the eighth prince.

The Eighth Prince is not only a genius at the pinnacle of foundation building, but also an animal trainer. The liger beast at his feet is a Tier 3 primordial beast, possessing two attributes of wind and fire, and is extremely lethal.

"Is he the eighth prince?" Xiao Chen looked at the eighth prince who blocked the Black Stone Kingdom mercenary group from a thousand feet away as he looked at the sword and the beast. His eyes were full of interest.

"Wang Ling, Crazy Wolf, go and help them, but remember to pay and pay more. After all, we are poor." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, Third Young Master!"

Wang Ling and Mad Wolf nodded and rushed towards the battlefield. A flame spear appeared in the hands of Mad Wolf. Relying on his cultivation base of the fake pill realm, he killed several powerful Blackstone mercenary groups with just one attack on the fire dragon.

A cold look at Xiao Chen, poor man? Would anyone who can take out the third-order prehistoric artifacts and the third-order prehistoric secret skills at will be poor?

"What do you think of the Eighth Prince?" Xiao Chen asked with a smile looking at it coldly.

"But you," said coldly, she is a strong Nascent Soul Realm, a foundation building pinnacle, how can she get into her eyes.

"It's not a good one, but you know that I have confessed to him." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, he froze for a while, and then said coldly: "I also said that my charm has weakened, so you like men."

"Hahaha, don't worry, what I like is women, not men. As for you, you are too cold. Didn't you find that Wang Ling and Crazy Wolf didn't dare to stay by your side."

Xiao Chen laughed and said, although Leng Bing had scars on her face, no matter her figure or temperament, she was excellent, but it was a pity that she was too cold.

Leng Bing did not speak, but the surrounding air became colder. After a while, Leng Bing suddenly said, "Although I don't know who you are, I guess you will not be willing to remain trapped in Tongtian Continent."

"Being trapped in the Tongtian Continent, what does this mean?"

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