Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2884: Secret mainland!

"Because this Tongtian Continent was originally a prison, with some sinners and the offspring of sinners in it, and the entire Tongtian Continent was trapped by a powerful ban. Even the seventh-tier strong cannot break this ban. And if the strong person above the first level of Yuanying enters, their cultivation will be restricted and suppressed to the first level of Yuanying.

"Prison?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"Yes, prison, and I was thrown into this prison by my enemy, and if I want to leave this prison, there is only one way to defeat the overlord of the Black Wind Forest, the Black Wind Elemental Beast, and then let it take us away! "

Said coldly.

"In other words, you met a fifth-order elementary beast some time ago just to leave the Tongtian continent?"

"Yes, but I still underestimate the Black Wind Forest. The fifth-order Yuan Beast I encountered that time was just the guard next to the Black Wind Yuan Beast, and I didn't even see Hei Feng's face."

Said coldly, his voice was still a bit solemn.

"Is it so strong? You said so much. The purpose should be to let me take you out." Xiao Chen said lightly. He didn't even know that the Tongtian Continent had so many secrets, but with his cultivation level, he now Can't do anything yet.

Nodded coldly.

"You can afford me." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Looking at Xiao Chen coldly, he said solemnly: "If you can take me out, I will agree to whatever you want me to do, including being your woman."

"For a woman, you just need to be a good guard at ease. As for my goal is not the Tongtian Continent, I will leave here no matter what method I use.

Xiao Chen said calmly, and when he was talking to Leng Bing, the system also updated the data of Tongtian Continent, and he also triggered the mission to leave Tongtian Continent.

Leng Bing fell into silence. I don't know if it was because Xiao Chen refused her to be her woman, or what, but she always had a feeling that the young man in front of her who had only the realm of foundation construction could really take her out of this prison.

But at this time, the battlefield not far away has also changed, with the addition of the mad wolf, a false pill-level expert, plus the Tier 3 flame spear in his hand, and a set of three prepared by Xiao Chen. The secret skill of the lance spear, the mad wolf enters the realm of no man, and kills all directions. Even the fake pill realm powerhouse of the Blackstone Kingdom was overturned by the mad wolf with a few shots. Suddenly the mercenary group of the Blackstone Kingdom scattered and fled. The mercenary group pursued and killed with all their strength and won a complete victory.

"Crazy Wolf, when did he have such a strong strength? The long spear in his hand should be a Tier 3 prehistoric weapon. It seems that Crazy Wolf has gained a lot of opportunities."

Contemplation flashed in the eyes of the Eighth Prince, and he had the intention of soliciting in his heart. Then he jumped off the liger and came to the mad wolf, and said, "Thank you, senior mad wolf for helping, otherwise the casualties of our Northern Yan kingdom will be more severe. many."

"The Eighth Prince is not welcome, but this time my little brother and I saved the Eighth Prince. Shouldn't the Eighth Prince show something?" Mad Wolf said indifferently. He did not accept the task of protecting the Eighth Prince, adding Xiao Chen's request, he would naturally not let go of this reward.

The eighth prince was startled, "This is what it should be."

With that, the Eighth Prince took out a storage ring and handed it over to the mad wolf respectfully.

The mad wolf took the storage ring, looked at it, took Wang Ling, turned around and left.

"Senior mad wolf..." Just as the Eighth Prince wanted to say something, the two mad wolves had already left. Suddenly the eighth prince's face sank. Although the mad wolf is a strong fake pill, he is the eighth of the Northern Yan Kingdom. The prince, the future emperor, this crazy wolf did not give any face.

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