Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2882: Threatening the cold woman!

The woman’s face remained unchanged, she just said coldly, and in her tone, Xiao Chen would not doubt her determination at all. At the same time, the woman tried to get rid of the gu worm in her body, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t get rid of it completely. Gu worm.

"You won't die with me, because you can't die yet. Although you hide it very secretly, I can see that there is an unforgettable hatred in your eyes."

Xiao Chen said flatly, although the woman was cold, the hatred in her eyes was revealed inadvertently.

The woman stared at Xiao Chen and didn't say anything, but Xiao Chen was right. She was indeed carrying a deep hatred of blood, so she couldn't die.

"What do you want?" the woman asked in a cold voice.

"Follow me and be my guard. In addition, I can tell you clearly that I am the most affectionate person. If you can help me with peace of mind, there may be surprises in the future." Xiao Chen said flatly.

"I can be your guard, but I have one condition." The woman stared at Xiao Chen, and said in a deep voice after a long time.

"You said!"

"I will protect you for three years at most." The woman said in a deep voice, she still has blood and deep hatred, it is impossible to stay here for long.

"Deal!" Xiao Chen smiled.

"I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise even if the fish die and the net breaks, I won't let you go." The woman said coldly.

"Of course." Xiao Chen smiled: "By the way, how do you call it?"

"Just call me cold," said coldly, with the same name as the person, just as cold.

"It seems to be a person with a story." Xiao Chen smiled: "There is a stream nearby. Go and clean up yourself."

Leng Bing did not speak, turned and left. After more than half an hour, Leng Bing had changed into a black robe and returned. After washing away the blood stains on his face, everyone found that Leng Bing had a beautiful face. However, a deep scar on his face ruined this beautiful face.

Lengbing took out a black hat and covered her face, then walked to Xiao Chen's side and said nothing.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for completing the rescue mission, increase his level by one, and whether to immediately increase his cultivation level."

"Raise it!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the players for breaking through to build a foundation."

The breath of Xiao Chen's breakthrough flashed by, and Wang Ling and Crazy Wolf didn't react at all, but Leng Bing frowned slightly, and then stared at Xiao Chen, with doubts flashing in his eyes.

Xiao Chen took three people and one beast, and continued on, two second-tier, one third-tier, one fourth-tier, and one fifth-tier. Although this combination is very strange, it is like entering the realm of no one in the Black Wind Forest. Adding the map in Xiao Chen's mind, Xiao Chen can be said to have gained a lot within a month, even with his cold temperament, he was a little excited.

"It's been more than a month since we were out, we should go back."

Somewhere in the Black Wind Forest, Xiao Chen held the Fire Qilin in his arms, Wang Ling, the mad wolf, standing coldly behind Xiao Chen, the mad wolf, the cold cultivation base did not change, but Wang Ling broke through to the second layer of foundation, plus With the third-order prehistoric artifacts and the third-tier prehistoric secret skills, even if the foundation is built five, Wang Ling can defeat it.

As for the Huo Qilin, this guy is the most comfortable, it's okay, Xiao Chen feeds some great power, and then sleeps, there is little movement.

And the one that changed the most was naturally Xiao Chen, because most of the encounters with Yuan Beast were solved by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen's cultivation reached the triple level of foundation building.

Although Xiao Chen was only building the triple foundation, but for some reason, the mad wolf always had a feeling that if he and Xiao Chen fight life and death, he will lose.

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