Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2785: Dugu Royal Family!

There are dozens of big green trees on the edge of the lake, dotted with some green for this dim demon world.

"I didn't expect to find a few green trees here. It's really strange." It's no wonder that Xiao Chen is surprised. If it's in the Holy Realm, it may not be a big deal, but in the Devil Realm, it is not a dark tree. It is the dead wood, which rarely meets this kind of wonder.

Suddenly at this moment, a spray of water appeared in the lake, and a beautiful picture appeared in front of Xiao Chen. A woman stood up from the lake, her long black hair draped wet on her shoulders, her cheeks like jade. With a little bit of water droplets, it is as beautiful and refined as a lotus flower.

And those extremely pure eyes, it seems that they shouldn't appear in this dim demon world, but should appear in the painting.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a pure woman in the Demon Realm."

Xiao Chen looked at the extremely pure eyes with surprises in them, and at this moment, the woman also saw Xiao Chen, and then her body sank suddenly, leaving her head on the water, blinking pure eyes, staring at Xiao Chen said: "Who are you?"

"It's a crisp voice." Hearing the woman's voice, Xiao Chen came back to his senses, then turned around and said: "Under Xiao Chen, I came here by accident. I don't know how offended the girl is here. I hope to forgive me. ."

At this moment, the sound of water splashing in the lake, and then the woman, already wearing a white dress, fell in front of Xiao Chen.

"White dress?" Xiao Chen was slightly surprised. Like the Demon World, the clothes of the Demon World are generally only two colors, gray and black, and other colors are rare, let alone white.

"You just saw me taking a bath." The woman looked at Xiao Chen, blinking her pure eyes, without coldness, no shame, and some only curious.

"I saw it, but this is a misunderstanding, I was accidental..." Xiao Chen quickly defended.

"Just see it. My name is Dugu Bailian. My mother said that my body can only be seen by my future cohort. Since you have seen my body, you are my cohort." Dugu Bailian said.

"Dugu Bailian?" Xiao Chen was startled. Dugu was in the Demon Realm and was the surname of the royal family, that is to say, the woman in front of him turned out to be the Demon Emperor.

Only after hearing that, Xiao Chen's face appeared astonished. What the hell?

"This girl, there is a misunderstanding, I didn't mean to peek at you in the bath, I just didn't mean..." Xiao Chen defended again.

"You said your name is Xiao Chen?" Dugu Bailian asked.

"Well, yes!" Xiao Chen said in astonishment.

"It's not from the Eight Great Families, forget it, no matter whether you belong to the Eight Great Families or not, just answer me, did you see my body?" asked Dugu Bailian.

"I just saw a little bit." Xiao Chen said helplessly.

"I don't care if you are a little bit or everything. Since you have seen it, you should take the responsibility. You are my son." Dugu Bailian looked at Xiao Chen with a serious face.


What else did Xiao Chen want to say? Dugu Bailian had already jumped to a big tree and looked at Xiao Chen with a smile and said, "Come on, come and help me. I want to transplant these big green trees into my courtyard."

"Don't tell yourself whether it's okay, I haven't promised anything yet."

"It's really strange, why these big trees are green here, and when they are transplanted into the courtyard, they will become black." Dugu Bailian ignored Xiao Chen's meaning and just muttered to herself.

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