Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2784: Dim Demon World!


It has been a week since Xiao Chen came to Pei's house, and within this week, Xiao Chen tried his best to cultivate the strength of the Eight Great Demon Generals. In addition, Peppa also tasted the benefits of giving names to the supernatural powers and kept giving names to the family members.

At the door of the room, Xiao Chen was full of magical powers. He looked at Pei Rong and said, "You take me to the neighborhood."

"Yes, Master!" Pei Rong said, and then left Pei's house with Xiao Chen, and it was the first time that Xiao Chen began to look at the Demon World.

"Have I really come to the Demon Realm? How come I feel like I have come to a primitive tribe."

When Xiao Chen came to the central city, he looked at the buildings piled up with black stones, the twisted streets, and the random stalls on both sides of the street, and he felt like he was in the wrong place.

From Pei Rong's mouth, I learned that the scope of the Demon Realm is very vast, and similar to the Holy Realm, it also contains many planets, and one force controls one or several planets.

The Demon Realm was very dim, just like a rainy day. It made people feel very irritable, but it was also so. After only a while, Xiao Chen saw that several demons had quarrels because of transactions, and then they fought and even appeared. Killed and injured.

However, to Xiao Chen's surprise, most of the demons in the Demon Realm were similar in appearance to the human races, but most of them had gloomy expressions on their faces, as if others owed him millions.

In addition, Xiao Chen also learned that these demons that are similar to human beings belong to higher demons, and some planets are completely complete demons. These demons fight each other and wait until they are needed. Bring them directly into the battlefield.

"This Demon Realm is really not a place where people stay. I am afraid that within a few days, it will be crazy." Xiao Chen only wandered for a while, and then he felt dull. The Demon Realm gave him the feeling of three words, dark, poor, chaotic. , And there is still a planet controlled by the Holy Realm Demon Race, if it's other planets, I don't know how.

"You said that there are only monsters on some planets, can you take me to see?" Xiao Chen looked at Peirong and asked.

"Master, there is such a planet nearby, I will take the master to see it." Pei Rong said.

Xiao Chen nodded, and then Pei Rong took Xiao Chen away. A few hours later, the two appeared on another planet. As soon as they entered this planet, Xiao Chen felt a very violent devilish energy. At the same time, there were already several monsters, leaping towards the two with their teeth and claws.

"Presumptuous, a mere monster, dare to offend the master!" Pei Rong snorted coldly, the magic power equivalent to the realm of the ancestors has already rolled out, and the few monsters that were instantly pressed lie on the ground, unable to move.

"You wait here, I'll go inside and have a look." Xiao Chen said.

"Master, the monsters here are not wise, and they are very violent and cruel. I am worried that they will harm Master, so let me follow." Pei Rong said hurriedly.

"Are you saying I'm inferior to you?" Xiao Chen said lightly, and at the same time a powerful demon energy emerged from his body, the demon might be mighty, much stronger than Pei Rong.

"Don't dare!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Chen snorted coldly, and he already walked towards the inside of the planet, then came to a place full of magic power, opened the Demon Seal, and the devilish energy poured into Xiao Chen's body.

The devil qi in the Demon Realm far exceeds the Demon Extinguishing Abyss, and Xiao Chen will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Xiao Chen kept wandering around this planet that looked like a primeval forest. Before he knew it, Xiao Chen discovered a small lake.

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