Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2786: Go to the imperial capital!

"Of course, they will naturally turn black after being corroded by the devilish energy." Xiao Chen said.

"Then why the big trees here are green, even the lake is very clear." Dugu Bailian asked curiously.

"It's very simple, because the lake, the big trees, and the surrounding mountains form a natural formation, blocking the devilish energy outside, so they are green." Xiao Chen explained that he had discovered this place just now. It is a natural formation. The big tree lake forms a cycle. Although the sun is not good, it is enough to make many big trees green.

"Natural formations, you really know a lot. Few people in the demon world understand formations. Since you understand formations, can you help me arrange a formation? I have transplanted a lot before, but it didn’t take long before it changed. It's a shame to become black."

Dugu Bailian looked at Xiao Chen with anticipation in his eyes. Looking at the look of anticipation, Xiao Chen nodded unexpectedly.

"Punma, you are so kind, then let's act now." Dugu Bailian said excitedly.

"Okay." Xiao Chen looked at Dugu Bailian's excited expression, not good to refuse, nodded, and was quite speechless in his heart: "What's the matter with this!"

However, Xiao Chen did not rush to leave. Instead, he absorbed a lot of magic power on this planet before preparing to leave. After arriving at the edge of the planet, he found Pei Rong.

"Master!" Pei Rong saluted respectfully, and then her eyes fell on Dugu Bailian. The next moment, a shocked expression appeared on her face and said: "Princess Bailian, why are you here?"

"Punma, is this your woman? My mother said, my future punma can only have me as a woman, so you must kick her." Dugu Bailian took Xiao Chen's arm and looked hostile. With Pei Rong.

"What kind of a weird woman is this? It should be said to be a girl." Xiao Chen glanced at Dugu Bailian speechlessly. Although it was only a few days to get along, Xiao Chen already knew that this was a curious silly Baitian.

"Punma? Master, what's the matter?" Pei Rong said with a stunned expression.

"This is a long story. By the way, have you seen her? You can recognize her at a glance." Xiao Chen asked.

"Enlighten Master, in the entire Demon Realm, only Princess Bai Lian, who is the most favorite of the Demon Emperor, wears this white dress, so the entire Demon Realm can recognize Princess Bai Lian." Pei Rong explained.

"So, I know, you go back and tell Peggy that I'm going to the imperial capital with Bai Lian, so I won't go back to Pei's house yet." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, master!"

"Let's go." Xiao Chen looked at Dugu Bailian.

"Let's go, Ma Ma." Dugu Bailian glared at Pei Rong with a hostile gaze, and then walked away with Xiao Chen.

"The master turned out to be Princess Bailian's horse, no wonder the ancestors respected the master so much." Pei Rong suddenly said, and then she had already left for Pei's house.

The planet where Pei’s family is located is not too far away from the imperial capital, but what makes Xiao Chen speechless is that the teleportation array between the planets is so pitiful that they had walked for a full two months after a few days’ journey. Came to the imperial capital, the most luxurious city in the entire demon world.

From a distance, a huge stone giant city, with its walls like an endless Great Wall, magnificent, there are not many such giant cities even in the Holy Realm.

After entering the city, Xiao Chen discovered that the city was full of traffic, pedestrians were constantly flowing, and there were many shops on both sides of the road, and it was a prosperous scene. The city where Pei's family was located, there was no way to compare with Imperial Capital.

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