Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1856: Rampage!

"A human junior dare to ignore this seat. It seems that the human race has become a lot arrogant in recent years!"

Although Zi Kuang's tone was plain, his expression was very cold, and there was a cold light in his purple eyes.

As the words fell, Zi Kuang's eyes shot out two purple lights, which suddenly shot towards Xiao Chen.

After seeing the purple light, those strong people on the island changed their complexion, with deep jealousy in their eyes. This is the innate and supernatural power of the purple-eyed clan. It is extremely powerful and has extremely strong damage to the soul. The strong man of the world is shot by purple light.

Xiao Chen glanced at Zi Guang, ignored it, rushed straight to him, saw Zi Guang hit Xiao Chen, a trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Zi Kuang's mouth, and the other strong men also sighed.

They knew that the Human Race kid was over.

But the next moment, their expressions changed, and their eyes suddenly widened. They didn't hear Xiao Chen's screams. Instead, they found that Xiao Chen's speed was not slowing down, and they directly hit Zi Kuang and the others. .

Including Zi Kuang, all the strong people in the Purple Eyed World were shaken out, vomiting blood.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of those strong on the island were shocked and unbelievable.

They seemed to see that Xiao Chen was a male lion, and Zi Kuang and they were just ants on the ground. Even if the ants provoked, the male lion would not pay attention to it, just step on it.

"Being not afraid of the talented supernatural powers of the Purple Eyes, and directly smashing the veteran Genesis God powerhouse into serious injuries, when did humans get out of this powerhouse?"

Many strong people were shocked.

"However, Zi Lingtian, the Tianjiao of the Purple Eyes clan, has already broken through the power of good fortune, and the limelight is flourishing. Zi Lingtian will certainly not sit idly by when he loses such a big face in the world of Purple Eyes."

"There is a good show here. The strong creation **** is not comparable to the creation god, and I don't know how the human race kid can support Zi Lingtian's hands."

There is a strong saying that the Thunder Devil Islands is very close to the Ziguang Great World. I am afraid that it will not take long before the news will be sent back to the Ziguang Great World. When the time comes, the character of the Ziguang Great World who protects shortcomings will definitely be moved.

Thinking of this, their hearts faintly began to get excited.

Xiao Chen's expression was flat. He didn't put Zi Kuang and his party in his eyes at all. They passed many islands along the way, and many strong men came out to stop them, but Xiao Chen rushed, and wherever he passed, all strong men were knocked off.

This scene shocked the strong behind him and was speechless.

They didn't dare to imagine that a human race kid ran across the Thunder Demon Islands and knocked all the powerhouses of the nearby big worlds into flight.

In this way, he would offend all the big worlds nearby.

How crazy is this human kid!


After half a day, Xiao Chen passed by an unknown number of islands, and an island full of thunder and lightning appeared in front of him.

"The front is inside the Thunder Devil Islands?"

Xiao Chen looked forward. Every island was full of thunders. These thunders appeared out of thin air. After they landed on the islands, they did not cause any damage, and then disappeared out of thin air.

When Xiao Chen swept away his spiritual consciousness, he could find that there were many strong people on the island, facing thunder and lightning, looking for materials, and some using thunder and lightning to cultivate.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate much. After converting to the Divine Thunder Saint Body, he immediately rushed in. The island's thunder power was not very strong, and it had no effect on Xiao Chen.

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