Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1857: Stand-in puppet!

Xiao Chen moved forward all the way, and soon he found that he had come to another world. This world was exactly the same as the outside world, except that it was full of thunder power.

"Is that the Thunder Demon?" Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly. At this moment, not far away, there were a few strong aliens and two strong human races, besieging a tall demon full of thunder.

Xiao Chen took a look, then withdrew his gaze, all this has nothing to do with him, he only came to find the original pearl of thunder.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes slightly, feeling the location of the Origin Orb of Thunder, and at this moment, the strong man besieging Thunder Demon also discovered Xiao Chen.

One of the human races shouted at Xiao Chen: "Brother, please help kill this Thunder Demon. After the matter is completed, my Lei family will have to thank you again."

Xiao Chen didn't seem to hear it, but continued to feel the existence of the Origin Pearl.

Another celebrity also shouted: "Brother, we are members of the Lei family of Thunder World. As long as you are willing to take action, my Lei family will never treat you badly, and you can even become a member of the Lei family."

Xiao Chen remained unmoved.

"Lei Ao, it seems that your Lei family's sign is not very good." Seeing Xiao Chen unmoved, a strong alien from the same group said lightly, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, the faces of the two human races are very ugly. The first human race to speak, Lei Ao said coldly: "This guy must be the lower human race on the other side of the God Realm. He is ignorant, otherwise he would hear Thunder World Thunder. Home, I've run over here to help."

When the remaining aliens heard this, a hint of mockery flashed in their eyes.

Seeing the ridicule in the eyes of several aliens, the expressions of these two races became more gloomy.

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly solve this thunder demon, otherwise it will attract more thunder demon." At this moment, a young man with dragon horns said indifferently.

Hearing that, other alien races are not talking, they have been together for a long time, and the young man who just spoke is a strong dragon, regardless of prestige or strength.

Lei Ao's face showed fleshy pain, and then a ray of light flashed, and beside Lei Ao there appeared a young man who was exactly the same as Lei Ao, but the young man's eyes were dull, obviously not very sane.

This is a stand-in puppet refined by their Lei family, who can resist a life for the deity at a critical time.

The next moment, Lei Ao rushed in front of Thunder Demon. When Lei Demon saw it, he opened his huge mouth and swallowed Lei Ao. As the Thunder Demon swallowed Lei Ao, the thunder power on his neck suddenly disappeared. Instead, the skin of a common beast appeared.

"Now, do it!" the dragon youth said in a deep voice. The next moment, all the strong attacked the Thunder Demon's skin at the same time. The Thunder Demon let out a roar. Its skin seemed to be very fragile. Lei Ao's body, followed by Lei Ao's and Lei Mo's bodies, were simultaneously shattered by the remaining power, leaving only one bead full of thunder power, which was Lei Dan.

Immediately afterwards, the double puppet's eyes gradually became sane, and he came to Lei Dan and collected Lei Dan.

"The Lei family's double puppet is really extraordinary, and it can stand aside for the deity."

"However, it costs a lot to refine the double puppet, even if the Lei family doesn't have much, it's enough for Lei Ao to feel distressed for a while.

"He deserves it, who told him not to prepare more live bait."

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