Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1855: Thunder Devil Islands!

With Xiao Chen's current strength, crossing the Sea of ​​Lost was no effort at all. A few days later, Xiao Chen had already left the barbaric ancient land.

"Thunder Demon Islands, one of the Jedi of the God Realm?" Xiao Chen muttered, Mu Qingxuan died accidentally in the Thunder Demon Islands, and the Thunder Demon Islands was probably where the Origin Pearl of Thunder was located.

He wanted to reshape the body for Shangguan Yinger and Lei Qingxuan first, but the system reminded him to find the source beads first, and after the system was upgraded, he would have unexpected gains after recasting the body for them.

They didn't have any danger in the eighteenth hell, so Xiao Chen didn't rush to recast their bodies, but decided to collect the Origin Orbs first.


The Thunder Demon Islands are not in the God Realm, but in the endless starry sky. The Thunder Demon Islands is formed by many islands, and there are many big worlds surrounding the Thunder Demon Islands.

The Thunder Demon Islands is full of the power of thunder. It is an excellent place for Lei Xiu to practice. In addition, the Thunder Demon Islands also have many treasures of the thunder attribute. In addition, there is a race in the Thunder Demon Islands that does not have much wisdom. , The outside world calls it "Thunder Demon", and as long as you can kill Thunder Demon, you can obtain Thunder Demon.

Lei Dan is the power purification of Thunder Demon, whether it is used for cultivation or for refining, it is an excellent material.

However, Thunder Demon is very strong and hates outsiders very much. No matter it is of any race, he will chase him wildly after seeing it.

The Thunder Demon Islands is called a forbidden area. In addition to the Thunder Demon Islands, there is a special reason. The Thunder Demon Islands will hear a roar every once in a while, and every time they roar, the terrifying thunder power will fluctuate the entire Thunder Demon Islands. Except for Thunder Demon, other intruders will be affected, even if the creation **** is strong, they may fall.

The outside world calls this phenomenon Thor's despair.

At first, Mu Qingxuan was hunted down and strayed into the Thunder Demon Islands. Later, he died under the despair of Thor.

After a few days of rushing, Xiao Chen came to the outskirts of the Thunder Demon Islands. At this time, there were many strong people on the outlying islands. These strong men all wanted to go to the Thunder Devil Islands to seek materials.

"The Thunder's Origin Orb should be in the middle of the islands." Xiao Chen looked at the islands. Since he took advantage of the power of the Light's Origin Orb, he had a deeper sense of the Origin Orb. After arriving at the periphery of the islands, he felt it. The origin of Thunder Pearl is roughly where.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and swept directly from the sky over the islands.

And this scene, after being seen by the strong on the island, all eyes were fixed.

"Human race?"

"This human race is so bold that he dared to fly directly over the island."

"This human race is over, and the periphery of the Thunder Demon Islands has been occupied by several nearby big world powerhouses. Without their consent, no races are allowed to enter, let alone such a hard drive."

"These big world powerhouses are very domineering. I can guarantee that this human race will have a hard time trying to die."

The strong people on the island talked a lot, and then looked at Xiao Chen with sympathy.

"Human kid, stop for this seat!" Sure enough, it didn't take long for a few figures to stand in front of Xiao Chen. Their appearance was similar to that of Human race, but their eyes were purple.

"It's the strong man in the world of Purple Eyes, and the leader is the Zi Kuang in the world of Purple Eyes. This person is a strong man in the veteran creation god!"

"Blocked by the purple mad, that human race kid is over."

After this group of strong men appeared, it caused an exclaim.

Xiao Chen looked at the sudden emergence of a group of powerful men, and he didn't bother to pay any attention. The speed didn't decrease at all, and he didn't mean to make a detour.

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