Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1854: Murong Xue is dead!

"What's going on?" Murong Xue looked at Xiao Chen and the others with a puzzled look.

Xiao Chen gestured to Dao Qing, Dao Qing came to Murong Xue, and Murong Yu also came to Xiao Chen and the others. Murong Yu looked at Xiao Chen, and the two of them were speechless.

"Give them some space to be alone." Xiao Batian said, and then left with the girls.

"Have you hated me?" Murong Yu asked after a long time.

"Why hate you?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Because I have never done what a mother should do." Murong Yu said.

"It's not to blame you." Xiao Chen said. To be honest, he doesn't know what his mood is at this time. In the memory of his three lives, he is an orphan, and when he learns that his parents may still be there, his heart suddenly rises. As for the idea of ​​finding his parents, he may not be able to explain why.

"I..." Murong Yu just wanted to say something, Xiao Chen had already spoken: "Mother, the girls just now are all my wives, that is, your daughter-in-law. I want to help you recover your physical bodies as soon as possible, if you are bored. , You can chat with them."

Hearing this, Murong Yu was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, a gentle smile appeared on his face. The word "mother" could replace a thousand words.

"By the way, I won't care about Murong Xue, but I don't want Xiao Zhantian and others to know about this matter." Xiao Chen said again.

"He has nothing to do with me." Murong Yu said.

Xiao Chen nodded. In fact, this was what Xiao Batian meant. After all, his son was not Xiao Zhantian from the God Realm. His son was dead.

Xiao Chen took Murong Yu to find a few women. When Murong Yu's identity was officially introduced, the women became a little more cautious. After all, this was their mother-in-law.


A few days later, the Sea of ​​Lost, Xiao Zhantian, Xiao Ling and others were all present. At this moment, a figure flashed by, it was Xiao Chen.

"My mother, where are Yunmeng and the others?" Xiao Ling asked immediately after seeing Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glanced at Xiao Zhantian, then looked at Xiao Ling coldly and said, "Murongxue is dead, and Chu Yunmeng is my wife. I advise you not to hit her attention, otherwise I will kill you. "

"What! Murong Xue is dead?" Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Why did Murongxue die?" An old man walked out of the crowd, with a chill radiating from his body, and signs of freezing all around him.

"I killed it." Xiao Chen glanced at the old man, an accident flashed in his eyes, the old man turned out to be a strong **** of good fortune.

"There are actually five strong gods of good fortune. It seems that there are many old guys hidden in the three holy places."

"Damn you!" The old man's eyes were filled with murderous intent for an instant, and the voice fell. The man had already arrived in front of Xiao Chen, with a big knife in his hand, and he slashed towards Xiao Chen's head, but the knife was still close to Xiao Chen's head. At one inch, the old man's body suddenly froze in midair.

"If you don't want the Murong family to destroy the clan, you can continue to seek revenge on me." Xiao Chen glanced at the old man, and then walked lightly through the crowd. Everyone looked at the old man who was frozen in the air and couldn't say a word.

It wasn't until Xiao Chen's figure disappeared that the old man took the initiative in his body. The powerful **** of creation was held in mid-air for five seconds. If the opponent wanted to kill him, five seconds would be enough for him to die one or two times. .

Xiao Chen didn't want to get involved with the Murong family and the God of War family. It was a fact that Murongxue died in his hands, and Murongxue's mother and daughter also decided to live in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, so it was indeed dead for them.

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