Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1722: To the lost sea!

"Xiao Chen, I remembered that my inner world is probably in the Sea of ​​Lost." Suddenly Mu Yun's voice rang.

"Master, are you sure?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I'm not sure about being a teacher, but I feel that the Lost Sea is very familiar, and I don't know why, I always feel that I have some missing memories, and these missing memories are probably related to the Lost Sea." Mu Yun is a little uncertain. Said.

"It seems that this lost sea must be gone." Xiao Chen said solemnly, regardless of Mu Yun's inner world or looking for Xiao Ling, he must go to the lost sea.

After making up his mind, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and after inquiring about Dao Qing's specific location, he was ready to advance to the Sea of ​​Lost.

"There are a lot of tails, don't you need to remove them?" Dao Qing asked, a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes.

"A bunch of ants, don't pay attention." Xiao Chen said, and then controlled the Sonny to the Sea of ​​Lost.

Soon after the Sonny disappeared, Xiao Yunhong's figure appeared, with killing intent flashing in his eyes: "Looking at their direction, it should be heading to the Lost Sea. The Lost Sea is the place of your burial."

When the words fell, Xiao Yunhong also went to the sea of ​​lost.


The Lost Sea is located in the southernmost part of the Barbaric Land. It is shrouded in mist all year round and is full of dangers. There are also creatures called mosquitoes in the Lost Sea.

Feeding mosquitoes have no wisdom and act entirely by instinct. However, feeding mosquitoes are not only amphibians, they are also very good at hiding, especially in the fog, and it is even difficult to distinguish whether the thing in front of them is the fog or the creature.

And the most terrifying thing about living mosquitoes is eating, whether it is a divine power or a artifact, it can be easily swallowed. Therefore, there is a saying in the sea of ​​mist that if you meet living mosquitoes, if you can’t kill it with one hit, how fast will it be? How fast to run.

After more than half a month of rushing, Xiao Chen and Dao Qing finally came to the outskirts of the sea of ​​mist. What they could see at a glance were countless mists, and figures constantly shuttled in the mist.

"Is this the sea of ​​mist?" Xiao Chen looked at the vast sea in front of him and found out his divine sense. With his current divine consciousness far beyond the divine majesty realm, he could only detect less than ten thousand meters away from the periphery of the mist sea. .

And what made Xiao Chen feel strange was that within 10,000 meters, Xiao Chen felt that there was a place about two meters in diameter that contained the original energy, but there was no original energy in other places.

"Sure enough, there are some ways." Xiao Chen was a little surprised. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the mist, but he didn't find anything.

"If you want to find someone in the Sea of ​​Lost, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. I advise you to give up looking for them in Xiaoling." Dao Qing said lightly.

"Then tell me Xiaoling why they want to kill you?" Xiao Chen asked. Xiao Chen didn't believe Xiaoling and they just wanted to kill his half sister because Daoqing's existence was a shame to the three big families. , He wanted to ask the real reason.

Hearing this, Dao Qing's face became cold again. Seeing this, Xiao Chen was not talking, and stepped directly into the mist, Dao Qing also coldly followed behind.

At this moment in the mist, there are two groups of people facing each other. Perhaps it cannot be said that there are two groups of people, because there is only one wave of people, and the other wave is a group of blood wolves with blood red eyes and a wolf head.

At the forefront of the blood wolf clan, stood a tall man with sharp claws. The blood thirsty blood wolves exuded all over his body. The blood wolves' eyes were full of cruelty.

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