Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1723: Blood wolf, blood cow!

"Human, hand over that original stone, I can give you a happy one, otherwise I will let you taste the horror of my blood wolf clan!"

The blood wolf's voice fell, and all the human figures trembled. The blood wolf family was very cruel and liked to eat humans raw, and the leader of the blood wolf had a very high cultivation base and was not under the realm of gods.

"Blood wolf, we discovered this origin stone first, and we are members of the Murong family, don't deceive people too much." A young man from the human race said coldly. Everyone is obviously based on this person, standing behind the young man. They all looked at the blood wolf family with fear.

"The Murong family, one of the three holy places of the human race, I still know, but so what, my blood wolf clan is not afraid of even the human race, but also one of your three holy places?" The blood wolf grinned, and did not hold the young man. They look at it.

"It seems that there is nothing to say, and I am ready to fight to the death." The young man said indifferently.

"Blood wolf, if you see a share, why don't you divide us in half?" At this moment, another group of strong men appeared, headed by a tall, thick-skinned blood bull with red eyes.

"Blood cow clan, there are you everywhere, it is worthy of being the thickest-skinned race." Blood wolf looked at the blood cow clan, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes flickered with cold light.

"The son is the blood cow clan." A follower behind the young man looked a little happy. Everyone knew that the blood ox clan and the blood wolf clan are natural rivals. They often fight each other and never die. If the blood ox clan and Once the blood wolf clan started to do it, they could escape by taking advantage of the chaos.

Only the young man’s face was a little gloomy. In the eyes of these aliens, their human beings are nothing but fish on the chopping board. Although the blood wolf and blood ox clan are mortal enemies, if they dare to escape, they will kill them all first. Spoils are being distributed.

"Blood wolf, don't think I don't know. The origin stone in the hands of these ants is a hundred times larger than the ordinary origin stone, and the origin stone inside is extremely pure and rare. I don't want to miss it." A simple and honest smile.

"Then there is nothing to say." The blood wolf sneered, and then the blood wolf clan all turned into a huge blood wolf, and the blood ox clan also recovered a blood ox of the same size, the two clans instantly Fighting together, the power is agitated and terrifying.

"My son, do we want to take the opportunity...?" A younger brother behind him cautiously said. He meant that the youth understand, but the youth also understand that they can never run, but if they don't run, they will also end in the same game. .

"Go." The young man said decisively, and then the group cautiously began to retreat, but after not taking a few steps, the blood wolf and blood cow had already blocked them, staring at them coldly.

"A group of ants also want to escape in our hands, and they can't help themselves." The blood cow said coldly.

"It seems that you are very uninterested, then eat you first." The blood wolf smiled cruelly, and then said to the blood cow: "Kill them first, we will fix the origin stone matter later."

The blood cow nodded, and then killed the human race. The young people's eyes were full of despair. When they thought they were going to die, suddenly a quarrel came into their ears.

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