Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1721: The lost sea!

"Why didn't you kill Xiao Yunhong? Although you haven't been with you for a long time, I know that you are definitely not afraid of Xiao Ling or the God of War family. Let's talk about why you let him go."

Xiao Chen and Dao Qing left the War God City swaggeringly, Dao Qing asked lightly.

"Because of a favor." Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Is that woman named Xiao Wuqing?" Dao Qing asked.

"Perhaps." Xiao Chen smiled faintly

"I'm still playing mystery, if you don't want to say it, then forget it." Dao Qing gave a blank look.

"By the way, I'll take you to meet some people." Xiao Chen said, and then took Dao Qing to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory. In the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, Yang Yan and them were all in Mu Yun's residence.

"Master." Xiao Chen bowed respectfully to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun nodded, and then said: "These friends of yours are all very talented, so why not just stay here and teach them for a while?"

"It's their honor for the master to teach them." Xiao Chen said, and then looked at the crowd around him and said: "Variety, An Yanran, Shenyu, Deng Gaozhuo, Murong Xun, this is my master, you will call the teacher in the future. Ancestor."

Then Xiao Chen said to Yang Yan and the others: "From now on, you will be my younger brother and younger sister, and you will not visit the master yet."

"Xiao Chen, why do we call Master Zu, and they are called Master, isn't it that we are a generation lower for no reason?" An Yanran asked as soon as Xiao Chen's words fell.

"Because even if your master Tang Yanran comes, you must respectfully call the master, if you want to be your master's sister, you can also be called the master." Xiao Chen said calmly.

An Yanran's expression was stagnant, and she stopped talking, and then Xiao Chen said to Mu Yun again: "Master, the one named Murong Xun is the son of Senior Sister."

"Su Di's son." Mu Yun was a little surprised, and then looked at Murong Xun with joy in his eyes.

When he heard the conversation between the two, Murong Xun stiffened directly on the spot. The woman in front of him was the master of his mother. Isn't that the real master?

Xiao Chen chatted with a few people for a while, then took Dao Qing and left the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

"Do you know where Xiao Ling and the others are most likely to appear?" Xiao Chen looked at Dao Qing and asked.

"Lost Sea," Dao Qing said lightly.

"The Lost Sea, what is that place?"

"The Lost Sea is in the southernmost part of the Barbaric Land. It is flooded with oceans and occupies more than 70% of the entire Barbaric Land."

"The lost sea is shrouded in mist all year round, blocking the exploration of the divine sense, and it is very easy to get lost. Therefore, it is called the lost sea. In addition to the mist, the lost sea also contains special gases. These gases can easily charm the mind. If you are fascinated by the mind, you will It is easy to become a killing machine that only knows about killing. The fierce beasts and the savage natives in Canada, the lost sea is called the most dangerous place except the tomb of death."

"But there is a peculiar place in the Lost Sea. Sometimes there will be a lot of origin qi, or a lot of origin stones, and even some artifacts. Those artifacts have origin power, whether it is origin qi or origin. Stone is still the power of the origin, and it is very important to them, so the true tianjiao is in the sea of ​​loss."

Dao Qing said lightly.

"Essential Qi, Essence Stone, Essence Magic Weapon, the Lost Sea actually has an Essence Magic Weapon, does the Lost Sea also have an existence similar to that of a saint?" Xiao Chen was a little puzzled.

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