Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1690: Blackwing butterfly!

"What's the matter with him so much? Killing is talking." Xiao Chen snorted, and then rushed down directly. The sword in the palm of the hand has been shot without falling, and then the **** are brought together, a white light shoots out from the two fingers, a few The evil demon outside the territory was shot through instantly.

"The evil demon burst fist!" Xiao Chen once again appeared in front of an extraterritorial evil demon, punching out, and then there was a crackling sound, and the entire extraterritorial evil demon instantly exploded.

"It's worthy of an evolved skill, its power is much stronger than before." Xiao Chen's eyes were happy, and then he swept around, Ling Tian appeared in his hand and swept out.

"Yin and Yang eyes." After Xiao Chen cut out with a sword, opened the Yin and Yang eyes, and soon he found that there were many extraterritorial demons like butterflies around him, constantly approaching him.

"Is it here for me?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Since he broke through the divine majesty state, he has been particularly sensitive. Just now he perceives something in the dark, and then opened the eyes of Yin and Yang and saw these things.

"What are these things, it can be completely hidden." Xiao Chen looked at a butterfly close behind him, and then his wings flashed, and two invisible sharp blades slashed directly at Xiao Chen, very fast, and there was still nothing. Any sound.

"Wing flash!" Xiao Chen dodged the sharp blade with a single wing and appeared in front of the butterfly out of thin air. The Ice Age burst out instantly and directly sealed it into ice.

"This is a black-winged butterfly!" Xuanyuan Lin'er, who was not far from Xiao Chen, was shocked when she saw the butterfly revealed by the ice, and then her expression changed drastically: "Everyone retreat under the city wall, there is a black-winged butterfly!"

Hearing the three words Black Wing Butterfly, everyone's complexion changed a lot and they retreated instantly.

Seeing Xuanyuan Lin'er whose expression changed drastically, Xiao Chen asked, "Do you know this thing?"

"The messenger, this is the black wing butterfly. It is very terrifying among the evil demons outside the territory. The black wing butterfly is very good at hiding and cannot perceive its aura. Even the patriarch cannot find its whereabouts, and it is very aggressive. He died in the hands of Blackwing Butterfly. Later, a clan elder blew himself up and killed all the nearby Blackwing Butterfly. He did not expect that Blackwing Butterfly would appear again."

Xuanyuan Lin'er said with palpitations. Suddenly, she blinked her eyes and glanced at the frozen Black Wing Butterfly. Then she glanced at Xiao Chen, and then looked in between the two. It was extremely cute.

Xiao Chen was uncomfortable being watched. At this moment, Xiao Chen saw a black-winged butterfly coming behind Xuanyuan Lin'er. A chill flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and he pulled Xuanyuan Lin'er behind and cut with one hand. A knife broke the sky, and the black wing butterfly was cut in half instantly.

And at this time Xuanyuan Lin'er finally reacted, looking at Xiao Chen in shock and said, "Emissary, can you find the location of the Blackwing Butterfly?"

"This is the battlefield, not the place where you are in a daze." Xiao Chen reprimanded, and then his eyes swept around, there were still about twenty black-winged butterflies, all lurking towards his location.

"Sorry to the messenger." Xuanyuan Lin'er said, but there was excitement in her eyes. If he could find the black wing butterfly, he would not be afraid.

"They're all gathered here!" Xiao Chen looked at the black wing butterflies around him, his eyes flashed cold, and then said to Xuanyuan Lin'er behind him: "Remember to hold me tight for a while!"

When the voice fell, the two flames in Xiao Chen's hand continued to condense, and finally turned into a Tai Chi orb, and when all the black-winged butterflies around were about to fan their wings, Xiao Chen suddenly shouted: "Hold me tight!"

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