Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1689: Break through the divine realm!

"Is this Xuanyuan Mie and Chizhang's operation?" Xiao Chen's eyes moved slightly, and at this moment, several old figures appeared in front of the virtual shadow, looking at the two virtual shadows with excitement.

"These people are actually stronger than Chizhang and Xuanyuanwei?" Xiao Chen was a little frightened when he saw the new elders.

At this time, Xuanyuan Mie and Chi Zhuang regained their bodies, talking to a few old men, and the next few old men directly turned into streamers and rushed into the battle flag.

"Are they?" Xiao Chen asked, looking at the two people who came by.

"They are the clan elders of the two clans, with a cultivation base that can reach the sky, but due to life limitations, they can only retreat for a long time. They will only appear when an extraterritorial evil master appears. However, with the battle flag, they can fight infinitely. It can be regarded as the last thing several clan elders can do for the clan before they die."

Xuanyuan Mie said, there was both desolation and helplessness in his voice.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen is also in awe. These clan elders may have been fighting the evil demons outside the territory for countless years. Their existence is the greatest deterrent to the evil demons outside the territory. They have been fighting the evil demons outside the territory all their lives, even if they are dying. Occasion.

"Don't worry, I will definitely lead you to destroy the evil demons outside the territory and get out of here." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Thank you messenger."

"As far as I know, the original magic weapon can be transformed at will. You can collect more original stones, and I will refine more original magic weapons for you, including the original magic weapons of the ancient giants." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, messenger."

In the following days, the three clans made every effort to collect the origin stones, and Xiao Chen also kept changing the origin magic weapons and medicines, and almost the three clans had a suit of armor.

this day.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for his breakthrough. At present, he is super powerful!"

As the sound of the system sounded, Xiao Chen sent a huge coercion from his body. At the same time, thunderclouds rolled in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, and the terrifying coercion swept across the entire Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for breaking through the first stage of the Divine Mighty Realm and getting a free skill evolution opportunity."

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for breaking through the first stage of the divine prestige realm, and obtaining the holy level skill divine prestige one finger!"

"Finally, the power is over. Time flies. It's been months since the outside world. It's time to leave here." Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with expression.

"But it's better to advance the skills, one free skill evolution, and the god-killing points obtained by killing the evil demon outside the territory, just to evolve two skills, then all the evil demon blasting fist and divine power will be evolved."

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Saint-Shadow Exploding Punch!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining the Saint-Shenwei Finger!"


After Xiao Chen evolved his skills, he walked out of the room, and at this moment, a bell rang in the holy city, Xiao Chen's expression stagnated, and then he was overjoyed: "I just broke through the divine majesty realm, and the evil demon from outside the territory is here, just to try it out. strength."

No longer hesitating, Xiao Chen walked towards the city wall, and the city wall was already full of people.

"Emissary, are you out of the customs?" Xuanyuan Lin'er came to Xiao Chen and said.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded, then glanced under the city wall, frowning and said: "Although there are still a lot of them, it seems that there are no war behemoths, and the general strength is not strong, how do you feel that they came to die on purpose."

"There has never been such a situation before." Xuanyuan Lin'er also frowned.

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