Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1691: In an ambush!

Xuanyuan Lin'er immediately hugged Xiao Chen's waist from behind. Xiao Chen was speechless for a while, but now is not the time to care about this. The next moment, the Holy Wing flashes, and there is only one Tai Chi ball left in the field, and there is no sound from all directions. Interesting blade.


A huge explosion sounded, and two figures appeared directly above the explosion. Xiao Chen said silently, "You can let me go, and you can hold my arm."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Lin'er let go of Xiao Chen instantly, her face was blushing, she was about to say something, but she heard Xiao Chen say: "These black-winged butterflies are really tenacious, there are still a few alive."

"Shenwei pointed!" Xiao Chen pointed at the location of several black wing butterflies, and a few white lights shot out, and all the black wing butterflies died instantly.

At this moment, a voice rang from the back of the evil demon outside the territory, and then all the evil demon outside the territory began to retreat again.

"If you want to run, it's not that easy." Xiao Chen snorted and chased after him. Various skills were continuously released, and he was madly beheaded.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Lin'er hurriedly followed up, but the people under the city wall saw this and chased him frantically.

The reminder sounded continuously in my mind, and the power of the strong with the original battle armor also soared, leaving behind a corpse of an extraterritorial evil demon, and Xiao Chen and others were all red-eyed, unknowingly they had left the holy city. Millions of miles away.

"Are we playing big?" Xiao Chen and Xuanyuan Lin'er back to back, Xiao Chen said a little big head, they chased and killed the evil demons outside the domain, and everyone behind them couldn't keep up, except for Xiao Chen and Xuanyuan Lin'er. Besides, there were only two Chiyou people and two Xuanyuan people around him.

"The messenger is really a big game." Xuanyuan Lin'er said, they chased and killed the extraterritorial evil spirits and came to a depression. At this time, all the surroundings were all the extraterritorial evil spirits, and the divine consciousness swept away endlessly, not even less than when they attacked the city.

"Hey, I didn't expect me to be treated like this, but I have killed so many extraterritorial demons. Even if I die now, it's worth it." A strong man from the Chiyou clan said, there was no fear on his face. They grew up. Just fighting the evil demons outside the territory, I had already thought of this day, so there was no fear at all.

Others were chatting and laughing, as if they were in their own homes, and didn't even look at the surrounding evil demons, even Xuanyuan Lin'er.

"You want to die, I don't want to die yet." Xiao Chen glanced at a few people and said silently. In order to obtain more origin value, he slayed frantically. He didn't expect to be in an ambush without checking for a while.

"It was the war behemoths you killed that day." Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and then a young figure appeared above the evil demon outside the territory, looking at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"The messenger be careful. This is a master of the evil demon royal family outside the territory, and it is at the same level as the patriarch." Xuanyuan Lin'er said solemnly.

"Like Xuanyuanmie them, are they almost equivalent to the power of the Creation God?" Xiao Chen looked at the young man with a dignified gaze. Mu Yun estimated that they are equivalent to the creation **** realm, but they use the origin. The power of battle is much stronger than the creation god, and even no less than the creation god.

"Who are you?" Xiao Chen asked the young man in a deep voice.

"You can call me the emperor!" The young man said, his eyes full of indifference.

"Emperor Shang? You actually have the blood of the emperor?" Xiao Chen was suddenly startled. He was originally a strong man no less than the **** of good fortune, or the blood of the emperor, how strong his combat power was.

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