Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1688: Incorporate into the battle flag!

"Thank you, the messenger," the two said respectfully, and then left the room.

Outside the room, Chizhang and Xuanyuanweimie looked at each other and said, "The messenger asked us to get the original magic weapon for three days. The original magic weapon is extremely difficult to refine. In my impression, a refiner refines one. It takes at least one month for a source magic weapon. Can a source magic weapon be refined in three days?"

"I don't know, but the one on Lin'er is indeed the original magic weapon, and it's still a set of armor. It is much more powerful than a single original magic weapon. If the envoy can refine the armor, I will only be able to refine the armor after Xuanyuan Listen to the messenger alone." Xuanyuan Lu Mie said seriously.

"Hmph, if you have the original armor, you can defeat the evil demons outside the territory. I will voluntarily lead the Chiyou fighters into the Chiyou battle flag and fight for the messenger." Chi Zun snorted coldly.

"Chiyou Zhanqi and Xuanyuan Zhanqi are the magic weapons of the two ancestors' lives. They contain the will of the two ancestors. Once you enter them, your own lives will be controlled by the flag holders. Are you sure you want to enter them? Xuanyuan Lumie asked seriously.

"Yes, if I stay here, I will be crazy."

"Not only you, but me too, we only need to wait quietly for three days now." Xuanyuan Ming Mie said, and the two disappeared instantly.

Xiao Chen did not notice the conversation between them. Xiao Chen was shocked at this time. The source stones of the storage ring were piled up like a mountain, there were tens of billions of source stones. Xiao Chen was not stingy, and directly exchanged 100,000 sets of armor. .

Afterwards, Xiao Chen began to practice again. Three days later, when Chizhao and Xuanyuan Miie saw the armor in the storage ring, their mouths couldn't close in shock.

One hundred thousand, a full one hundred thousand. They said three days ago that there were ten sets and they voluntarily entered the battle flag, but now there are one hundred thousand appearing in front of them. This has shocked these two old monsters who don’t know how long they have lived. The unspeakable.

"Thank you for the great kindness of the messenger, the two of us voluntarily entered the battle flag, surmounted the waves for the messenger, and fought in all directions!" The two knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"What is going on in the battle flag?" Xiao Chen asked doubtfully.

"If you return to the messenger, Xuanyuan Zhanqi is the ancestor Xuanyuan's natural magic weapon, and it contains the will of Xuanyuan ancestor. If I enter Xuanyuan Zhanqi, I can activate Xuanyuan ancestor to fight!" Xuanyuan said.

"Summon old ancestors?" Xiao Chen was suddenly startled. Xuanyuan Zhanqi still had such a function. Then Xiao Chen asked again: "What will happen to you if you enter the Zhanqi?"

"After entering the battle banner, our lives will be controlled by the holder of the battle banner, but the will of the ancestors in the battle banner also plays a major role in our cultivation. The entire Xuanyuan clan used to live in the battle banner." Xuanyuan Annihilation said.

"In other words, you are going to give me the lives of you two?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes!" the two said categorically.

Xiao Chen thought, Xuanyuan Zhanqi and Chi You Zhanqi had appeared in Xiao Chen's hands, and then Xiao Chen looked at the two lightly, he wanted to see their determination.

After seeing the battle flag, the two of them did not hesitate, and turned into a second stream of light and rushed into the battle flag. Then the battle flag trembles suddenly, and then a terrifying coercion swept out, Xuanyuan Shenghuang and Chiyou Shengmo's The figure appeared above the holy city again.

Unlike before, now that the two phantom eyeballs are rolled, they obviously have a sage.

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