Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1624: Three years!

Xiao Chen came to an empty place alone, with a golden bead in his hand.

"What should I do now?"

"Just seal it for now." The system's voice fell, and then Xiao Chen felt a soft power emerge from his body, and then covered the golden beads, and the golden beads slowly turned into a stone ball.

"This seal can only last for three years. You must find other source beads within three years, otherwise the seal will be broken, and even this system will have no way at that time, let's do it, the host." The system's voice fell, and then it directly cut off and Xiao Chen Link.

Xiao Chen was speechless for a while, did he run so fast?

"Three years? Now I only know the location of the earth's original source beads. I don't know anything about the others. It seems that it is a bit difficult to find these beads."

Xiao Chen murmured, then his mind moved, and the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix appeared in front of him. Xiao Chen said, "Go find your master."

"Goodbye boss." The Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix spread its wings and soared, and its huge body instantly attracted the attention of countless people. The next moment, countless giant hands appeared in the void, trying to capture the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, but at this moment, the sky flashed across the sky. A few golden lights and a few golden arrows came, directly shot through a few big hands, and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

"Fighting crazy demon!" The owner of the big hand was surprised.

"This nine-day divine phoenix belongs to this seat, who dares to compete with this seat, this seat will never die with him." The indifferent voice of the fighting mad demon resounded across the entire continent, and the next moment a golden light appeared, covering the nine-day divine phoenix. Away.

Hearing the words of the fighting madman, all the masters of the big hands were silent. The fighting madman is a lunatic. They don't want to fight to the death because of a nine-day divine phoenix that has not yet grown up and the fighting madman.

Somewhere in the sea of ​​chaos, the fighting madman was looking at the nine-day divine phoenix in front of him, and the old man said: "Congratulations to the boss for acquiring the nine-day divine phoenix. The growth of the nine-day divine phoenix is ​​extremely high, and it must be a great assistant in the future."

"Master, I finally saw you." The Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix turned into a human form and plunged directly into the arms of the fighting mad.

"Little guy, thank you for your hard work." The fighting madman rubbed the head of the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, and said tenderly.

When the other seven people saw the expression of the fighting madness, they all had a ghostly expression. The fighting madness was born for war. In their hearts, the fighting madness only knew war, and their faces had always been very indifferent. It was the first time they saw the fighting madman showing tenderness.


The God of War continued to cross the chaotic sea of ​​stars. On the God of War, An Yanran looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What did you do just now?"

"It's nothing."

"Cut, don't talk about pulling it down." An Yanran said. At this moment, she suddenly heard Yang Yan's shocked voice.

"My son, did you break through again?"

Everyone was stunned, and then one after another inquired about Xiao Chen's cultivation base. When they discovered that he already had the Divine Emperor's Seventh Level cultivation base, all of them opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

Since Yang Yan followed Xiao Chen, he was very clear about Xiao Chen's growth along the way. He just subconsciously checked Xiao Chen's cultivation base, but he didn't expect Xiao Chen to really break through.

"Isn't it just a breakthrough again? Make a big fuss. Okay, I'm going to retreat. You guard the God of War Boat." Xiao Chen said, then walked into the cabin and entered the World of War Soul.

"I must improve my strength as soon as possible, and I can't let Qinghan stay alone in this chaotic sea of ​​stars." A firmness flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

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