Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1625: The world in the palm!

Xiao Chen didn't expect that the fighting madman would be Duanmu Qinghan, the lord of the Golden Palace, and that she would have such a prestige in Chaos Sea by herself.

Xiao Chen has both admiration and distress in his heart. He can stand on the chaotic sea of ​​stars. How can the difficulties be clear in a few words, and Duanmu Qinghan can achieve such a prestige, and the hardships in it may be unimaginable for ordinary people. of.

"Big brother, I learned a new move, which was given to me by Aunt Mu Yun. Would you like to learn it?"

Qing Lin's voice suddenly rang from the bottom of Xiao Chen's heart. Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then said: "What kind of move?"

"Big Brother, I'll pass it to you." Qing Lin's voice fell, and then a message came into Xiao Chen's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for comprehending saint-level skills and grasping the world!"

"World in the palm, this is the master's trick to suppress the bloodthirsty to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory!" Xiao Chen said with some surprise.

"Yes, this move is exactly the way to suppress the enemy into your own inner world. It was created by the teacher himself, but the world in the palm of your hand is quite appropriate. Turning the hand over the cloud and covering the hand is the rain. From now on, this move will be called palm. The world." Mu Yun's voice rang.

"It turned out to be created by the master, master, which step did you reach in the previous peak period?" Xiao Chen asked in shock, knowing that the trick prompted by the system is a holy skill.

"The peak of good luck." Mu Yun said.

"The pinnacle of good fortune!" Xiao Chen was a little shocked. Mu Yun said that on the pinnacle of good fortune are the legendary saints, and the holy skills are the skills used by the saints. Mu Yun can use the peak of good fortune cultivation to create the holy skills. How strong is the talent?

"Master, now I am the seventh layer of the Divine Emperor, can I talk about my future cultivation realm in detail?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Divine Emperor Seventh Layer, sometimes the teacher really doubts whether you are the reincarnation of a certain saint, such a speed of cultivation, even in the semi-sacred world, it is difficult to encounter." Mu Yun said with some sigh.

Xiao Chen smiled awkwardly. How could he be the reincarnation of a saint? If it weren't for the help of the system, how could his cultivation level improve so quickly.

"But you can't be measured by ordinary people. In that case, I'll talk to you."

"Divine emperor, divine emperor is only the enhancement of divine power and the power of law. After the peak of the divine emperor, the power of the law of the whole body will become the power of the heavens and the power of the gods!

"Usually the so-called Tianwei is the power of Heaven, and the Divine Majesty is the ability to use the power of the God Realm to kill the enemy."

"After the power of God is at its peak, creating an inner world in one's body through the power of heaven can become a **** of creation."

"The God of Creation only needs to continuously improve the power of the laws of his inner world, and when a born spirit is born in the inner world, it will generate the power of the original source and become the God of Creation!"

Mu Yun continued.

"The **** of creation and the **** of creation have no detailed division. The battle between them is a competition between the strength of the inner world. When the inner world collapses, the cultivation base will retreat to the state of God."

Mu Yun introduced the situation of each realm in detail, and Qinglin passed the things Mu Yun talked about the cultivation base to the ears of all those who broke through the gods in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

Later, the content of Mu Yun's explanation became more and more detailed. From the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the creation gods, the gods of creation, the voices like the sounds of nature, in the sky The domain kept ringing.

Boom boom boom!

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