Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1623: The name of Yun Fairy!

"I'm no longer your apprentice, and you are not my master. If you want the beads in my hand, come over and grab it." Bloodthirsty is not unappreciative, but he knows that Mu Yun's strength at this time is inferior to him, but Fairy Yun This name deterred the strong for a while, but not all the strong will be frightened.

"Bloodthirsty, don't be stubborn, the bead in your hand is very dangerous, if it awakens, don't talk about you, the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars will be destroyed."

"What does the destruction of the chaotic sea of ​​stars have to do with me? I said, if you want beads, you can grab them!" Bloodthirsty snort.

"Well, if that's the case, then I have to do it for the teacher!" Mu Yun's voice became a little cold, and the voice fell behind her and a illusory world appeared. The beasts in the world are rushing, and there are many strong people. It is the sky star fairyland. situation.

"Good luck god!" Seeing this scene, all the strong were shocked, and there was a moment of sluggishness in the bloodthirsty eyes.

"Zhen!" At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly said indifferently, and then stretched out Qianqianyu's hand and pressed against the bloodthirsty. Then, the bloodthirsty figure disappeared suddenly, but when he looked at it, he had already appeared in the fairy tale. Within the territory, was suppressed on a barren continent.

Then a leaf appeared in Mu Yun's hand and handed it to Su Die, saying, "If you want to be a teacher, use this connection. Remember, you can only come to see you as a teacher."

When the voice fell, Mu Yun's figure disappeared, and he had returned to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

Seeing that bloodthirsty was suppressed and the beads were taken away by Mu Yun, everyone sighed. They didn't dare to **** things from the gods of good fortune.

"Who is Fairy Yun, why do you respect her so much?" Fighting Madden looked at the old man behind him.

"Boss, you don't know anything. When I was a child, Fairy Yun was already a strong man. At that time, Fairy Yun traveled through the realm of the gods, was kind, and helped countless people. Not only that, Fairy Yun once taught a lot. People later became famous and powerful."

"As far as I know, Murong Xue of the Murong family, Xiao Zhantian of the God of War family, and Dao Heng of the Tiandao Villa have all been taught by Fairy Yun. In addition to the human race, the nine-tailed fox family, the white tiger family, the unicorn family and many other races. We have all been under their guidance, and there are more little people like us. It can be said that we are all half apprentices of Fairy Yun."

The old man said admiringly.

When the old man's voice fell, all the strong nearby were shocked, even Murong Wenwen, because the few names the old man said were the top powerhouses of the three holy sites, and such characters had been taught by Fairy Yun.

Xiao Chen was about to leave, but when he heard the old man's words, he stopped abruptly and turned his head in disbelief.

"Xiao Zhantian, is Xiao Zhantian of the God of War family with the same name and surname?" Xiao Chen is so familiar with the name of Xiao Zhantian, it is his father's name, and there is no Xiao Zhan from the next mainland to the fairy world. With the news of the sky, Xiao Chen even thought that Xiao Zhantian had already encountered an accident, but he didn't expect to hear the name here.

"Xiao Zhantian of the God of War family will definitely see you." Xiao Chen made up his mind, and then the group left directly. No one paid attention to their departure. After all, they were just some juniors of the God of War family.

However, the fighting mad demon took a look at it, and then took the seven to leave, and the others sighed and left.

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