Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1622: Yun Fairy!

Suddenly, Xiao Chen found a faint golden light flashing on the beads.

"Quickly, the Golden Origin Pearl will soon wake up." The system's voice suddenly rushed.

Xiao Chen's expression changed, and his mind came to the pet space, and found that Tian Xing'er was still asleep. Xiao Chen was a little helpless. After waking up last time, Tian Xing'er fell into a deep sleep again. Unless Tian Xing'er woke up, even if Xiao Chen was still asleep. Can't wake up.

If Tian Xing'er makes a move, he can definitely get the beads easily.

Xiao Chen then contacted Mu Yun and told him about the current situation. Hearing that a look of shock flashed across Mu Yun's face.

"Golden Origin Orb, bloodthirsty brought the Golden Origin Orb out of the land of extinction, what a sin!" Mu Yun sighed, and then said: "Xiao Chen, you really have a way to control the Golden Origin Orb. ?"


"Xiao Chen, you may not know how powerful the Golden Origin Orb is. It is rumored that the God Realm itself is the inner world of a super strong man. After the inner world is perfected to a certain degree, the Origin Orb of various attributes will be born. Possess a powerful source of power."

"This kind of origin power is not comparable to the origin power of your inner world. This kind of origin power wants to kill an ordinary **** of creation and power without any effort at all."

Mu Yun said very seriously.

"Master, rest assured, I'm sure." Xiao Chen said seriously, and he trusted the system very much.

"Well, that's the case, let's do it once as a teacher. As a teacher, I still can't bear to watch the bloodthirsty die here. By the way, I might have to use your power." Mu Yun said, following her voice After falling, her figure suddenly appeared beside Bloodthirsty.

"You guys, can you look at my Mu Yun's face and let me go astray once, and I will take care of him in the future."

Mu Yun said calmly.

"Who is Mu Yun?" Seeing the woman who appeared suddenly, everyone was a little confused, but an old man behind the fighting mad demon changed his face, and then stepped forward, looking at Mu Yun in disbelief. Muttered: "Mu Yun? You are Fairy Yun!"

"Fairy Yun, the name is a long time ago, I didn't expect to hear this name today." Mu Yun said with some nostalgia.

"It's really you, Fairy Yun, you're still the same as before. You've seen Fairy Yun in the younger generation!" The old man said respectfully, with a look of excitement in his eyes, and even a little trembling in his body.

Fighting mad demon and others looked at the old man a little weird.

Mu Yun nodded faintly, and at this moment, a figure flashed out of the sky, respectfully saluting to Mu Yun: "The junior has seen Fairy Yun!"

"This is the old demon Xuehong, this is the old demon of the creation **** who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. He actually bowed to the younger generation. Who is this woman?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and what made them even more shocked was that several powerful men appeared in the void afterwards, all of them old monsters, all of whom were bowing to juniors.

"Master!" After seeing Mu Yun, Su Die's face was incredulous, and then full of excitement, he came to Mu Yun and knelt on the ground, holding Mu Yun's legs, crying like a child.

Xiao Chen was also stunned when he saw this scene. What kind of identity does his cheap master have, and he can be respected by so many powerful people.

"Bloodthirsty, give the things in your hands to be a teacher, this thing is not something you creation gods can have, otherwise it will definitely cause catastrophe." Mu Yun comforted Su Die, then looked at the bloodthirsty, serious Said.

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