Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1609: Take advantage of the arrogance!

The entire starry sky was filled with murderous air, and as Haoyang's voice fell, everyone's hearts were shocked.

So arrogant, so arrogant, just because he didn't give him face, he wanted to kill everyone. This can't even be described as arrogant.

"Haoyang, we just passed by here and have no intention of conflicting with the Flame God Sect. Please clear the way and let us pass." Deng Gaozhuo took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible.

"If I don't let the road open, what about you?" Hao Yang sneered with disdain.

"Haoyang, you draw a line, what is going on before we are willing to let us go." Deng Gaozhuo's eyes flashed anger, and said gloomily.

"Leave all the women, you will kill all the remaining men, and I can let you go." Hao Yang jokingly laughed.

"Impossible!" Deng Gaozhuo shouted immediately.

"Then I'm sorry, you can only stay here today." Hao Yang said.

An Yanran, Shenyu and the others looked at Haoyang with murderous intent in their eyes. This was a deliberate attempt to find fault. If it weren’t for the fact that there were two powerful divine powers who had been exuding heavenly power, she would have beaten Haoyang to him. Mom no longer recognizes him.

"Boss, I feel the master's breath." Xiao Chen looked at Haoyang with the same gloomy expression. If he was alone, it would be possible for him to use the wings flash to escape, but there were still quite young men and others. When he was thinking of a way, Shui Shui Qilin Xiaoshui's voice suddenly rang.

"Huh? You said Ruoxi is nearby?" Xiao Chen's eyes were happy. Shui Qilin is a natural beast, but he listens to everything and is very sensitive to breath.

"Yes, boss." Shui Qilin said affirmatively.

"It seems that Ruoxi has already noticed the movement of the Sea Clan. Now that she is here, it's easy to say, and she may not need to borrow her momentum." A light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and then he looked up at Haoyang.

"Red-haired boy, quickly get out of the way, the little man has to go to the kingdom of the **** of war, which has delayed the journey of the little man, be careful that the little man strips you off."

Just when Deng Gaozhuo and others' faces were gloomy and the atmosphere was very tense, Xiao Chen's arrogant voice suddenly rang.

When the voice fell, everyone looked at him with a stunned expression, especially Deng Gaozhuo, An Yanran, and Shenyu, their eyes widened.

After Deng Gaozhuo reacted, his face changed drastically. He knew that Haoyang was very taboo about his red hair.

"There is no place for you to speak here. Get out of here!" Deng Gaozhuo reprimanded.

"Shut up, here the little master has the final say, what's the matter with you, let the little master roll off the God of War boat when you are too long." Deng Gaozhuo's voice fell, and Xiao Chen replied unceremoniously.

"You..." Deng Gaozhuo looked dumbfounded. He arrogantly harmed the young leader of the Demon Cult, a strong **** emperor, and was actually taught by a little **** emperor.

"Interesting, interesting, a little **** emperor dare to teach the young master of the demon cult, Deng Gaozhuo, you are really a shameless young master." Hao Yang laughed playfully, and his words made Deng Gaozhuo even more pale.

"Shut up, Red-haired boy, aren't you so arrogant because you have two powerful gods? There is a kind of single-handedly against us!" Xiao Chen said arrogantly as always.

"You are really looking for death!" Hao Yang heard the red-haired boy again, his face was very ugly, and he said with murderous intent.

"The little master is looking for death, there is a kind of you come over and kill the little master." Xiao Chen said nonchalantly, and everyone who was watching was stunned.

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