Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1608: Flame God Cult!

"It's no wonder that the Sea Clan actually handed over the power to you, and it really has some ability." North Elder said.

"They're here." Su Xueshan said suddenly, and Elder North was taken aback, then looked over.

On the battlefield, everyone was fighting. Suddenly a terrifying pressure came. After both sides felt the pressure, they stopped, and then looked up. I don’t know when, a Shenzhou appeared in the starry sky. And that powerful coercion came from Shenzhou.

There were silhouettes standing on the Shenzhou, the majestic fire system divine power, making them look like little suns in the starry sky.

"A person from the Flame God Cult?" Deng Gaozhuo frowned after feeling the disgusting fire power.

"You are so courageous that you dare to fight in the star field controlled by my Flame God Sect. You simply don't put my Flame God Sect in your eyes. The disciples of the Flame God Sect listened to the order and killed them, leaving them alone. "

A voice full of indifference and majesty came from Shenzhou.

Hearing this voice, everyone cursed secretly in their hearts. This is too unreasonable. This place has not yet reached the site of the Flame God Cult. How come it has become the star field of your Flame God Cult, and because of the battle, To kill them all, this can no longer be described as being unreasonable.

The majestic voice fell, and there were fireballs on the Shenzhou. Whether it was the Sea Clan or other people, as long as they met, they would directly kill.

In the water curtain, Elder North saw this scene, his face changed, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

In just a short moment, many Sea Clan and his people have been destroyed by the strong flame gods.

"Killing always needs a reason." Zhu Xueshan said lightly, without a change in her eyes.

"Are you planning to abandon these people?"

"If our things succeed, they will be heroes." Zhuo Xueshan said lightly.

Hearing this, Elder North looked at Zhu Xueshan, and a chill appeared in his heart.

Xiao Chen saw that the strong flames of the Flame God slayed wildly, and his expression changed, and he hurriedly recalled all the strong ones, and a few of them also gathered around, staring at the strong flames of the flame cult.

The people from the Flame God Sect were very strong, and within a short while, all the sea races in the starry sky had been slaughtered, and then these strong men surrounded Xiao Chen and others.

"Who am I supposed to be? Isn't this Deng Gaozhuo, the young master of the Demon Cult? You came to my site to make trouble in the Flame Cult. Is it because you have been idle for a long time?" A young man walked out of the Flame Cult. The red hair is extremely conspicuous.

After seeing the young man, Deng Gaozhuo's face sank, and his voice was a little low and said: "So it's you, the young master of the Flame God Sect, Hao Yang!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Xiao Chen also looked over. The young man in front of him was extremely tall, with terrifying fire power, and his cultivation base was not weaker than Deng Gaozhuo, and there were two figures beside him. A terrifying Tianwei came from them.

Powerful in the realm of power, and there are two more.

When they saw the two, everyone's expression sank.

"Haoyang, what do you want?" Deng Gaozhuo glanced at the strong of the Flame God Cult, then fell on Haoyang and asked in a deep voice.

"How about you asking me? You are making trouble in my place of the Flame God Sect. You just don't give face to the Flame God, don't give face to the Flame God, you don't give me face, if you don't give me face, I will kill you! "

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