Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1610: Queen of Flames!

"Boy, you will kill all of us like this." Deng Gaozhuo said loudly.

"It's long-winded, but you're still the young leader of the Demon Cult. Didn't you see that the red-haired boy is teasing you? You think he will really let us go, idiot."

Xiao Chen's relentless words made Deng Gaozhuo's face blue and white, and at this moment, An Yanran also said: "Little fat guy, you have not seen you for so many years, you are still so timid and fearful. Since the red-haired boy wants to play, we Have fun with him."

"That's right, the red-haired boy, there is a kind of come here to stand up, relying on the two divine majesty realms to fill their faces here, and the flame gods are capable of this." Shen Yu also said coldly.

"That's right, red-haired boy, there is a kind of single-handedly against the young master, the young master let you have a hand." Yang Yan also said.

"Red-haired boy, single out!" Xiao Sihai, Shi Jingtian and others also said.

Hearing the voices of the people, the face of the strong flame **** cult was very ugly, especially Hao Yang, if he did not single out, if he spread it out, it would damage his identity as the young master of the flame **** cult.


"Play with me, you are not qualified yet." Hao Yang sneered.

"It seems that you dare not, the young master of the dignified flame **** cult is a waste of money." Xiao Chen sneered.

"You can just say what you want. Anyway, you can't leave alone today." Hao Yang said calmly, "Do it, don't keep one."

"Yes!" the two divine mighty realm powerhouses beside Haoyang said coldly, and then a divine mighty powerhouse stepped out, stretched out his hand, and suddenly a black cloud appeared above Xiao Chen and the others, which contained countless thunders. , As if the heaven is thunder.

Everyone raised their heads to look at the black cloud, their faces heavy to the extreme. They felt that they were locked by a wave of heavenly power, as if they could not escape wherever they went.

"Fall!" The mighty powerhouse said lightly, and just after his words, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky, and countless buckets of thick thunder attacked Xiao Chen and the others.

Just when everyone thought they were going to die, a water curtain suddenly appeared on top of their heads, which took all the thunders down, and as the water curtain dispersed, Xia Ruoxi's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Master!" Seeing Xia Ruoxi's figure, Deng Gaozhuo showed surprise on his face, as did the others.

When Haoyang saw Xia Ruoxi suddenly appearing, his face also showed a faint joy.

After Xia Ruoxi appeared, he ignored everyone, but looked at the starry sky. At this moment, a flame suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and then a figure stepped out of the flame.

When the figure stepped out, everyone was short of breath. The figure that appeared was a childlike face, but the scale in front of them made all the women present feel ashamed, wearing a flame-colored armor, naked. Her skin is so dazzling that people can't help but look twice.

"The Queen of Flames!" Deng Gaozhuo and the others exclaimed after seeing the incoming person.

"The Queen of Flames, she is the leader of the Flame God Sect, is she also the Queen of Flames of the Creation God powerhouse?" An Yanran and others also looked at the newly emerged woman with shocked faces.

"Tide Devil, you are not staying on your site, what are you doing here to my Flame God Sect?" The Flame Queen faintly said.

"Queen of Flames, you are too shameless, this should not be the site of your Flame God Sect." Xia Ruoxi said indifferently.

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