Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1607: News of the source beads!

Suddenly a ochre-colored round bead appeared in the desert. The round bead was not threatening, but drifted by gently, but the huge starry beasts suddenly turned into grains of sand and became a large army of sand in the desert. A member of.

The starry sky spider saved a life because it was far away from the ball, but most of the starry sky spider's body turned into sand, and only a small part of it escaped.

"What is that bead? It has such a terrifying power." Xiao Chen was also chilled when he saw this scene. He could see that the bead was just passing by, turning so many powerful stars into sand.

"That is the origin of the earth pearl, it is what the system needs!" The system's voice suddenly sounded.

"That's the origin of the soil? Don't talk about that kind of thing, it will turn into sand even if you get close." Xiao Chen was shocked when he heard this.

"The origin of the earth, the strong below the **** of good fortune will die if touched!"

"I'll go, then you still let me find it!"

"The system naturally has a way." The system said proudly.

Xiao Chen was speechless for a while. Although the system used to cheat him, he believed that the system would not harm him. It seemed that he needed to go to that place in the hall.

Xiao Chen cleared up his mind, then opened his eyes, and at this time the entire starry sky had become a piece.

"There are so many sea races, but this is also an opportunity." Xiao Chen's eyes lit up, and then he directly turned on the team mode, followed by the Xiao Family Army, the Demon Army, the Jin Yong Army, and the powerhouses of the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory instantly appeared in the starry sky. In, a large-scale battle broke out across the starry sky instantly.

Due to the different flow of time in the battle spirit world, the Xiao Jiajun's cultivation time is much longer than Xiao Chen. Coupled with the continuous improvement of the battle spirit bloodline and the support of Xiao Chen's massive resources, many of them have already broken through the **** king.

In addition, Xiao Wuhai and other divine emperors have become an elite legion, and all of them are four warriors with magical powers.

The first batch of primordial creatures born in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory's talents were simply against the sky. If it weren't for Xiao Chen's restrictions, their cultivation base would definitely be higher than Xiao Chen's. Like the four spirit beasts, they were already **** beasts of the emperor level.

Under the operation of Xiaobai Xiaohei, the Demon Legion is not weak at all, and it is a group of dead men who are not afraid of death at all.

With the addition of these new forces, the Sea Clan retreated in an instant, and Xueshan, Elder Bei and others in the water curtain suddenly changed their colors when they saw this scene.

"What's going on? How did these people appear?" Zhuo Xueshan asked with a gloomy face.

"The old man still wants to know that if we continue to fight like this, our people are going to die, so we can just send the powerful realm to kill those people."

Elder Bei said in a distressed tone, he couldn't wait to kill An Yanran and the others.

"No, although there has been a damage demon sect here, the power of the gods is too strong. If the tide female devil perceives our breath, we will all die." Zhu Xueshan said.

"Then what to do?"

"We can't do it, but someone can do it. Before doing it, I have contacted a friend of the Flame God Sect. Calculating the time, they should be coming soon."

"Are you actually connected with the Flame God Cult?" Elder North looked at Bo Xueshan in surprise.

"I never do things that are uncertain." Zhu Xueshan said lightly.

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