Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1356: See Duan Muyun!

Duan Mu Nian didn't want to seek revenge from Xiao Chen, but was pressed down by his elder brother Duan Mulong, because the most important thing in Duan Mu's family is Duan Mu Qingyun's wedding.

Soon, a ceremonial elder from the Duanmu family appeared on the high platform.

Then began to worship the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix. After the worship, a couple of newcomers were invited to the high platform, and Xiao Chen, who was hiding in the crowd, also saw Duanmu Qinglong. Duanmu Qinglong had a very handsome appearance and a noble temperament.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen's gaze fell on Duan Muyun's body, a gorgeous suit, extremely beautiful. Obviously Duan Muyun was carefully dressed and dazzling, but in those eyes, there was not much happiness.

"Junior Brother Yanfu is not shallow, he actually married such a beautiful woman." In the middle seat, the young man looked at Duan Muyun's face with an amazing look in his eyes.

"Brother, if you like it, just ask Junior to give it to you. If you speak, he will definitely agree." A woman in red on the side said through a voice transmission, while looking at Duan Muyun, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Although the two of them are also good, compared with Duan Muyun, it is completely the difference between flowers and leaves.

Hearing the sound transmission, the young man's heart moved greatly, and a foul color flashed in his eyes. He put his hand on the waist of the red-clothed woman and moved wantonly. The sound transmission said: "Junior sister, this is jealous, don't worry, I just play with her Play, I am true to you."

"Chee, brother, I don't know you yet. You said the same to which junior sister." The woman in red despised Voice Transmission.

The young man was not replying, and there was no awkward expression on his face, but the movements in his hands did not stop, and another woman in white had a deep disgust in her eyes after seeing the little movements of the two.

The wedding continued on the platform, Xiao Chen accidentally swept Duan Muming in the middle of the crowd, and saw him clenching his teeth, as if he wanted to rush up at any time.

Xiao Chen watched the ceremony at the wedding until the new couple was about to pay a salute, Xiao Chen's voice suddenly resounded.

"Hold on!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen's wing flash had already appeared on the high platform, and the entire square was quiet because of the slowness of this sound, and he looked at the uninvited guests on the high platform.

"It's him!" Duan Muming, who was about to rush up in the crowd, stopped after seeing Xiao Chen and looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts.

At this time, after seeing Xiao Chen on the seat, Duan Mulong's face became more and more murderous. Duan Mulong next to him turned his head to look towards Duan Munian and frowned, "You know?"

"Big Brother, he is the kid who kicked me before." Duan Munian stared at Xiao Chen, gritted his teeth.

"It's him, what does he want to do?" Duanmulong's eyes flashed astonishment, and he looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts.

"Who are you, and why did you interrupt the wedding ceremony?" The elder on the high platform frowned and asked, Duanmu Qingyun also looked over, without any expression on his face.

Xiao Chen ignored them, just looked at Duan Muyun and said, "Yun'er, long time no see."

After hearing the familiar voice, Duan Muyun opened the wedding dress on her face, looked at Xiao Chen in surprise, and said excitedly: "Brother, why are you here?"

"Passing by here, I heard that you are married, so I just came to have a look. The bridegroom is strong and talented, but it seems that you look a little unhappy. Are you unwilling to marry? If you don't want to, tell your brother and he will help you."

Xiao Chen said sternly, and when he heard that, Duan Muyun's eyes were surprised and hurriedly said: "Brother help me, they use my parents as a threat, and I promised to marry him!"

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