Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1355: Big wedding!

Divine Phoenix City is the base camp of the Duanmu family. It is not difficult to find Xiao Chen. At this time, the surrounding powerhouses showed shocked expressions after seeing Duan Mu Nian and others.

"It turned out to be the third master of the Duanmu family!"

"It's not only the third master, but even four worshippers have appeared. Is their purpose this kid?"

"This kid is done, he actually offended the third master, he is dead!"

The surrounding experts talked a lot, their eyes fell on Xiao Chen, full of sneers.

"Divine Phoenix City is not yours, why can't I come?" Xiao Chen glanced sideways at Duan Mu Nian, and said casually.

"Divine Phoenix City is my Duan Mu Nian's home. If you offend me, no matter who you are, you have to die!" Duan Mu Nian said angrily, and then said to the four worshippers: "I beg you to take down this kid. "

"San Ye, don't worry, I will live up to expectations!" said the two middle-aged people, their eyes full of confidence. They saw at a glance that Xiao Chen only had the fourth level of Daluo Xianjun, and did not care about the speed of Duan Munian. , Looked at Xiao Chen with disdain.

Xiao Chen glanced at the two middle-aged people. Since Wing Flash became a holy skill, its speed has been much faster than before. So just as the two middle-aged people were preparing to do it, a black light flashed and the two had already flown. Went out and disappeared.

"It's boring." Xiao Chen said boredly, standing in the position of the two middle-aged people before. Then his eyes fell on the old man and the young man, "Aren't you two going to do it?"

The old man and the young man woke up from the shock and looked at Xiao Chen with dread. The four of them had similar strengths, and the other two were kicked off without the slightest resistance. Even if they shot, they would only be kicked off.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" the two said chatteringly.

"If you dare not, I'll leave." Xiao Chen said, and then glanced at Duan Muming, who had a sullen expression. "If you want revenge, find some decent power."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen continued to stroll around with Yue Xiuhua.

Duan Munian looked at Xiao Chen's back, his face was pale, he was the first time he saw such an arrogant person, but none of the four major offerings were rivals.

"I have never been so humiliated in Duan Mu Nian, you wait, if you don't kill you, I swear not to be a human being."


Two days passed, Duan Mu Nian never troubled Xiao Chen again, and Xiao Chen spent two days in Divine Phoenix City with the shame of closing the moon.

There was a huge square in front of the statue of the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix in Divine Phoenix City, Divine Phoenix Plaza. At this time, the square was already full of people, crowds of people, and when I looked up, the heads were all black and heavy.

Today is the wedding day of Duanmu Qingyun, the most outstanding genius of the Duanmu family, and all the forces of Divine Phoenix City come to watch the ceremony.

A high platform was vacated under the statue of the Divine Phoenix. This was the place where the wedding was held. In front of the high platform there were rows of very luxurious seats.

These seats were prepared for the high-level Duanmu family and the big figures in the Divine Phoenix City. In the middle, there were three young figures, which were extremely conspicuous. Many powerful people on the side looked at these three people and admired them.

These three young figures, a young man, two young women, and in front of them there is a pill, which is the Immortal Medicine Master of Tiandan Valley.

In addition, in the center of the front row, there is a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe. He is the head of the Duanmu family, Duan Mulong. On his right is a charming lady who is the same as Duanmu Jialong’s. wife.

On the left are the second and third members of the Duanmu family.

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