Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1357: Duanmu Qingyun's backing!

Duan Muyun's voice fell, and the entire square was in an uproar, and the faces of Duan Mulong and others sank instantly.

Xiao Chen's face also cooled, and his sharp eyes swept across Duanmulong and others.

"Yun'er, who is this?" This is Duanmu Qingyun suddenly said, with a smile on his face, but the gaze looking at Duanmuyun is full of threats.

"Yun'er is also what you can call? Duanmu Qingyun put away your hypocrite smile, you think I don’t know, you threatened my parents’ attention, you think I don’t know, you marry me just to reach you Is that nasty purpose?" Duan Muyun said coldly, her eyes full of contempt.

Duanmu Qingyun's complexion instantly sank.

"Presumptuous, Duan Muyun, don't forget that your parents are disciples of the Duanmu family. If you fail to get married today, you will have to succeed."

Duanmulong stood up and shouted gloomily.

"Yun'er, what is their purpose?" Xiao Chen glanced at Duanmulong, and asked through Voice.

"Brother, Duanmu Qingyun worshipped a second-tier immortal pharmacist in Tiandan Valley as his teacher, and this immortal pharmacist has a special hobby. Their purpose is to let Duanmu Qingyun marry me, and then treat me as Duanmu Qingyun’s wife Dedicated to the fairy pharmacist."

Duan Muyun said, her voice was full of cold colors.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a trace of hostility, Duanmu family was left by Duanmu Qinghan, Duanmu family has such a shameless offspring, if it is passed out, it would be a shame to Duanmu Qinghan's reputation.

"You forced my sister to get married. Have you ever asked me?" Xiao Chen stared at Duanmulong coldly.

"Boy, what are you, when did my Duanmu family's affairs get you an outsider to intervene?" Duan Munian jumped up and shouted loudly.

"Junior, the things here have nothing to do with you, and you can't intervene to go, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, so as not to regret it." Duan Mulong said gloomily, his words full of threats.

"If I leave now, I will regret it. Xiao Chen will take care of today's affairs." Xiao Chen said, his tone filled with no doubt.

"Surname Xiao? You are from the Xiao family? But even if you are from the Xiao family, if you dare to intervene in the affairs of my Duanmu family, there is only death!"

Duanmulong's gloomy voice sounded, and the killing intent in his eyes was so unconcealed, he said coldly: "Cheng Yu worship, shoot, take him, life or death!"

"It's Patriarch!"

An old figure walked out behind Duan Mulong, describing it as withered, but his eyes were very sharp. After receiving the order, he stepped out and reached the top of Xiao Chen's head. A khaki hammer appeared in his hand and smashed it against Xiao Chen.

That is not a magic weapon, but a hammer condensed from the Great Dao of Earth, and the power of the third Great Dao is rushing toward your face.

"You go back first!" Xiao Chen let Duan Muyun stay away, watching the hammer that fell, his right hand clenched tightly, and flames appeared on his fist.

"Fire Fist!" Xiao Chen stepped on his foot and greeted him with a punch. The fist formed by the powerful Flame Avenue collided with the hammer in mid-air. The hammer only held on for a while before being lifted off. Up.

After Cheng Yu stabilized his figure in mid-air, he looked at Xiao Chen in surprise. He had already learned from the other four offerings that Xiao Chen's speed and strength were very strong, but what he didn't expect was Xiao Chen's avenue of flames. Not at all weak.

Xiao Chen stepped out into the air and looked at Cheng Yu and said, "Although you are the worship of the Duanmu family, I advise you not to intervene in today's affairs, otherwise you will have nowhere to cry when the time comes. ."

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