Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1354: Duanmuming's help!

"My third uncle is not only incapable of talent, but he must retaliate. He will definitely avenge his predecessors. According to my guess, at least four of the top five guest officials will be dispatched."

"So?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Aren't the seniors afraid?" Duan Muming asked.

Xiao Chen smiled and looked at Duanmu Ming and said, "Don't you should hate me? Why do you still tell me so much?"

Duanmuming's face was very serious, and he looked at Xiao Chen and said, "It seems that the seniors are not afraid of the Duanmu family at all. Although I don't know who the seniors are or whose name is, the juniors beg seniors to help me and win the title of Duanmu Patriarch. Bit."

"To win the position of Patriarch, ambition is not small, but why do you think I will help you, and why do you think I can help you win the position of Patriarch?" Xiao Chen looked at Duan Muming curiously, but did not expect this guy. Beneath the dude's appearance, there is such ambition.

"It feels, and I don’t have time. Two days later, it is the wedding day of my second brother Duanmu Qingyun and Duan Muyun. On that day, the Duanmu family will determine the position of the head of my second brother. I can only win the position of the head of the family. Recapture Yun'er."

Duan Muming said, the clenched hands had bleeding stains, his face was full of stern expression, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Duan Muyun, one of the nine beauties in the eighteen schools, depending on your appearance, there is still a story between you!" Xiao Chen was a little surprised and didn't expect to hear Duan Muyun's news here.

"We are childhood sweethearts, and my mother and Yun'er's mother are good sisters. We had a marriage contract since we were young."

"But since my mother's death, my position in the Duanmu family has plummeted, and Duanmu Qingyun took the opportunity to attack me secretly. I had to pretend to be a dude and let them relax their vigilance, but I didn't expect that they would even hit their minds. Yun'er who came back from the battlefield in the realm."

Duan Muming gritted his teeth and said, obviously extremely angry.

It is common for large families to fight for power. Xiao Chen didn't feel surprised, but he didn't expect that there was a relationship with Duan Muyun.

"But, what does all this have to do with me?" Xiao Chen asked indifferently if Duan Muming was telling the truth or not.

"If Senior can help me win the position of Patriarch, from now on, my life will belong to Senior, and I will be sent by Senior." Duanmu Ming said sternly.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the quest: Patriarch!"

"Task Level: A Level"

"Task requirement: Help Duanmuming win the position of Duanmu family Patriarch!"

"Task reward: 10 million pit margin value!"

"There are even 10 million yuan worth of pitfalls, is the system count as welfare?" Xiao Chen was happy, and helped Duanmuming win the Duanmu Patriarch, but it was nothing to him.


"Your service is not worth mentioning to me, so I refuse!" Xiao Chen said.

Duan Muming was disappointed and unwilling to hear Xiao Chen refused.

Xiao Chen didn't entangle Duanmuming with Duanmuming, and came to closed Yue Xiuhua, and continued to play Divine Phoenix City with them.

It didn't take long for the five figures to come toward Xiao Chen's direction. The next moment, they turned into streamers and surrounded Xiao Chen.

The leader was Duan Mu Nian who was kicked by Xiao Chen. The other four were an old man, two middle-aged people, and the other a young man.

"Boy, you are so bold that you dare to enter Divine Phoenix City!"

Duan Munian looked at Xiao Chen bitterly and said angrily.

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