Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1347: sisters!

When Xiao Chen entered the valley, he found that many fairy beasts appeared in the valley, and the aura of these fairy beasts was very powerful, and each had the aura of Immortal Emperor Da Luo.

Xiao Chen's expression changed drastically, Xiao Chen was not afraid of the next Da Luo Immortal Emperor, but there were at least dozens of Da Luo Immortal Emperor level beasts in the valley.

Ho Ho Ho!

A terrifying voice came from the valley.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, but fled his wings directly and escaped from the valley. Then, without looking back, he ran thousands of miles away before stopping.

After discovering that no fairy beast had followed, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, Tian Xing'er's voice rang again.

"Daddy Xiao Chen, you are in the middle, those are not real fairy beasts!"

"Not a real fairy beast? What do you mean, is it a fantasy formation?" Xiao Chen was startled. Xiao Chen would definitely not perceive the aura of those fairy beasts.

"It's not a fantasy formation. In addition to the little beggar, there is another person in the valley, and those fairy beasts are also the blood talent of that person. Although the fairy beasts look the same as the real one, their breath and coercion are real, but The attack power of those fairy beasts is only in line with the strength of the bloodline talents themselves."

"No, what kind of blood talent is this?" Xiao Chen said in disbelief. The appearance, breath, and pressure of those fairy beasts are exactly the same as the real Daluo Immortal Emperor fairy beasts.

"Well, I can't think of it, but no matter the little beggar or another person, they are of great help to you. They grow up, and they are no weaker than the Ten Star Sect's ten war gods and the seven monsters.

Mu Yun once said that the talents of the Ten Great War Gods have grown up to be no weaker than the top powerhouses in the God Realm. The Seven Monsters are comparable to the Ten Great War Gods. If Tian Xing'er's words are true, the little beggar will have no less talent than another person. In the words of the gods in the ten battles, then they are two strong men when they are cultivated.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen was a little moved. The strength of the alien race was beyond Xiao Chen's imagination, and no matter where he was, he must not only have a certain strength, but also a helper.

Xiao Chen has also been cultivating his own power. Now that he met a genius with super talent, Xiao Chen would naturally not refuse.

Soon, Xiao Chen returned to the valley. When he entered the valley, the fairy beasts attacked again. Xiao Chen slapped a hand directly, and several fairy beasts burst into pieces instantly.

Xiao Chen estimated that these fairy beasts had the most celestial cultivation base, which meant that the owner of these fairy beasts was only a celestial being.

However, Xiao Chen became more and more interested in this kind of talent. It was really hard to imagine that a heavenly immortal could exude the breath of Immortal Emperor Luo.

At this time, there is a thatched hut in the valley. There is a simple wooden bed in the thatched hut, and a petite figure lies on the wooden bed.

It's just that this figure has a pale face and a thin body, and even the bones in the body can be seen faintly.

On the side of the bed, there was still a person standing, it was the little beggar, but the difference was that the mud on the little beggar's face was gone, instead a very delicate and lovely girl's face was revealed.

"Sister, don't worry, I will be able to compliment the one billion immortal crystals soon, and then I can go to the Heavenly Pill Valley to purchase vitality pills for you." The little beggar said crisply, with excitement in his eyes.

"Sister, you have worked so hard for me." The **** the bed said very weakly, with a smile in her eyes.

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