Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1348: A line of life!

"What are you talking about, we are sisters." The little beggar smiled, but a deep distress flashed in her eyes. Looking at the **** the bed, her heart was extremely painful.

"No, sister, someone in Yanai broke in." The **** the bed suddenly said anxiously.

"No, it's too late, the other party has already arrived."

The girl's voice fell, and Xiao Chen's figure had already appeared in front of the hut. At this moment, the door was pushed open and the little beggar walked out and looked at Xiao Chen nervously: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"I didn't expect the little beggar to have such a delicate and lovely face, but it was beyond my expectation." Xiao Chen said with some surprise.

"Senior came here with me? I don't know what Senior wants to do with me, a little fairy?" A panic flashed in the eyes of the little beggar, and then he asked respectfully.

"Little fairy?" Xiao Chen smiled: "I don't dare to look down upon you, the little fairy. After all, you can easily steal the storage ring of Lord Luo Xian."

"Senior joked, I'm just a little fairy, how could I have stolen your storage ring." Xiao Chen's voice fell, and the little beggar hurriedly defended, but her trembling body betrayed her heart. tension.

The little beggar was full of panic. She had been in the business of stealing for about two years, and no one had found her in between. After all, no one would have thought that the one who stole her own things was just a little fairy.

"Really?" Xiao Chen smiled, "Little beggar, it's useless to argue, and..."

With a move of Xiao Chen's mind, a storage ring flew out of the hut, and it happened to land on Xiao Chen's hand.

"Now that everyone gets the money, what else can you say?"

"Senior, the storage ring was not stolen by my sister. I stole it. If you want to inquire, kill me. I only ask Senior to let my sister go."

The thin little girl leaned on the door of the house, then knelt directly on the ground, knocked her head on the ground, and pleaded with Xiao Chen.

"Sister." The little beggar came to the thin girl and wanted to help the girl up, but the girl refused.

"Senior, please let my sister go, I kowtow to you." The lean girl kowtow again.

"She has gone to life. It stands to reason that she should have died a long time ago. Why is she still alive?" Xiao Chen looked at the thin little girl in shock.

"When God closes a door, there is always a window left. There is always a ray of life in everything. Although her vitality is gone, because of her blood, the dead air in her body has become the reason for her life. ."

"Is there a way to save her?" Xiao Chen asked.

The thin girl kept kowtow on the ground, begging Xiao Chen to let her sister go, without any hesitation, the little beggar's eyes were full of tears, just looking at the thin girl silently.

"Yes, three vitality pills, revitalizing her body."

"Vitality Pill?" Xiao Chen directly contacted the system: "System, is there a vitality pill?"

"Yes, but you can't afford it now." The system said frankly, and then a pill appeared in Xiao Chen's mind.

The vitality pill, as the name suggests, can wake up the vitality in the body, as long as it is still hanging, it can be saved.

It’s just that the price of the vitality pill makes Xiao Chen a little bit difficult. One is 100 million worth of pit fate, and three is 300 million. However, all the pit fate values ​​that Xiao Chen obtained during this period of time have all been owed. Xiao Chen can now say It is poor and white.

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