Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1346: Little beggar!

Half a year later, at the boundary of Tianwu Immortal Territory, under the leadership of Xu Zhen, the two entered the Tianwu Immortal Territory, and then Xu Zhen separated directly from Xiao Chen, leaving Xiao Chen alone.

"It is the realm of Tianwu, the aura of heaven and earth is much stronger than that of other realms." Xiao Chen looked around and said with some emotion, and there were strong people above Daluo Jinxian everywhere, and the overall power was a hundred times stronger than other realms.

Xiao Chen glanced at the direction, left the teleportation formation, and headed towards a nearby city whose name was Sifang City.

After Xiao Chen handed over the fairy crystal, he walked into Sifang City and then began to wander the streets.

After Xiao Chen strolled around for a while, he found a restaurant, and when Xiao Chen was about to go in for the tooth-fighting ceremony, a figure appeared in Xiao Chen's sight.

They were small beggars who were relatively short, looked very shabby, and had a little mud on their faces.

The little beggar probably has the cultivation base of a god. The reason why Xiao Chen noticed him was that the little beggar looked sick and drunk. He walked swayingly. When people passing by saw the little beggar, they cursed badly. Then hide far away.

It's just that I don't know if it was Xiao Chen's illusion. Every time the little beggar shook his body, a very subtle smug smile appeared on the little beggar's face.

And just as Xiao Chen was looking at the little beggar, the little beggar had already arrived in front of Xiao Chen, as if he was about to fall down at any time, and almost bumped into Xiao Chen, of course it was impossible to hit Xiao Chen with his cultivation.

The little beggar seemed to be a little scared, and hurriedly bent over, bowed, and ran away.

"What a weird little beggar." Xiao Chen looked at the little beggar in surprise.

"Dad Xiao Chen, haven't you noticed something missing from your body?" Tian Xing'er's voice suddenly rang.

"Is something missing?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then he found that his storage ring was missing.

"Could it be that little beggar?" Xiao Chen immediately thought of the little beggar. Although there were only some fairy crystals in the storage ring, Xiao Chen didn't want his things to be stolen and treated him as not knowing.

Xiao Chen's fairy soul swept away, and soon he found the trace of the little beggar.

"What a clever technique, I didn't even notice it." Xiao Chen followed behind the little beggar, and found that the little beggar was still swaying like before, but Xiao Chen didn't think the little beggar was really shaking.

"She is not clever, if this sect is not mistaken, she is a kind of blood talent."

"Bloodline talent?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, "Is there a bloodline talent good at stealing in the world?"

"Yes, and very strong, but this little beggar hasn't fully awakened yet, so she has nothing but fur." ​​Tian Xinger said: "If possible, it is best to use it for your own growth. It is of great help."

When Tian Xing'er's voice fell, the system's voice rang.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the task: Little Beggar!"

"Task Level: sss"

"Task details: accept the little beggar as a disciple and help the little beggar."

"Task Reward: Unknown!"

"It actually triggered a three-s-level mission. This is interesting. I'm going to see what is unique about this little beggar." Hearing the system's voice, Xiao Chen looked at the little beggar in surprise.

At this moment, the little beggar had walked out of Sifang City. Xiao Chen had been following the little beggar, and finally followed the little beggar into a valley.

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