Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1247: Take down the flower swallow!

The surrounding area is very quiet, even the strong immortal Daluo has become silent. Although the Lion Roar Cannon will not kill them, it is enough to damage them severely. Seeing the fierce power of the Sonny, add the opponent There are a lot of Daluo Xuanxian, who dare to go up.

Seeing the strong people around him silent, Hua Yanzi's face was extremely gloomy, and said gloomy: "My son orders you to continue to attack, whoever dares not to do it is to resist the Qinglong Sacred Mountain!"

Hearing the voice of Huayanzi, all the strong were extremely angry, and they greeted all the eighteenth generation of Huayanzi's ancestors in their hearts. He didn't dare to do it, but let them go to death, it was shameless.

However, they could only smile bitterly, they did not dare to resist Qinglong Sacred Mountain at all!

Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yanzi with a cold face, then he took out the Sonny without hesitation and flew over to Hua Yanzi. Then, in the shock of everyone's eyes, he switched Hua Yanzi to his side, squeezing the flower. Swallow's neck coldly shouted: "Get out of here, or the little master will kill him!"

Everyone felt dreaming now. First, they shocked Xiao Chen that a golden immortal could easily control a Daluo Xuanxian Yizhong, and at the same time shocked Xiao Chen that he dared to do something with Huayanzi.

Hua Yanzi was pinched tightly by her neck, her face flushed, and her heart was extremely angry.

He is a disciple of the Four Emperors' forces, Qinglong Sacred Mountain, and his younger brother is the youngest Daluo Xianjun powerhouse.

In the past because of these two identities, he became his greatest support and refuge. Wherever he went, no matter who saw him, he was respectful and respectful, not only because he was a disciple of the Four Emperors, but also because of his younger brother.

Because his younger brother is the youngest Daluo Xianjun powerhouse, he might become the Daluo Xianhuang in the future, and everyone will give him face.

He never thought that someone would pinch his neck one day. He swears in his heart that he must use the cruelest means to torture this kid, so that he can't survive and die.

"You still don't get out, do you want to watch him die!" Xiao Chen's hand pressed hard, Hua Yanzi's face turned white again.

The surrounding powerhouses didn't dare to stay longer, and walked away without hesitation. If Hua Yanzi died because of them, then they couldn't afford it.

At the same time, a strong person took a deep look at Xiao Chen. They knew that if they acted on Xiao Chen, the other party would probably kill them. If they didn't do it, Hua Yanzi would not let them go.

Now Xiao Chen is threatening Hua Yanzi, they can just take the opportunity to leave, after all, this is to save Hua Yanzi's life, even Qinglong Sacred Mountain cannot be unreasonable.

In the blink of an eye, there were no people around, and they were still preventing other powerful people from coming.

Xiao Chen threw Hua Yanzi on the boat, and Xiao Jingjing put the sword of the great road on Hua Yanzi's neck.

"Boy, you're very good, you should be so to this young man, this young man will not let you go!" Hua Yanzi looked at Xiao Chen gloomily, her eyes full of resentment!

Xiao Chen glanced at Hua Yanzi and suppressed the killing intent in his heart. It is not possible to kill Hua Yanzi now. If he is killed, I am afraid Qinglong Sacred Mountain will send a large number of strong men to siege Xiao Chen and the others. He still does not want to confront him. The forces of the Four Emperors.

"Seal his fairy power!" Xiao Chen said to Xiao Jingjing.

"Okay!" Xiao Jing nodded quietly, and the power of the great road poured into Huayanzi's body, sealing her body with ice.

Hua Yanzi looked at Xiao Chen bitterly and cursed. Xiao Chen ignored him, glanced at the Ten Great Gods, and then sat cross-legged.

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