Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1246: Lion Roar, launch!

Hearing Hua Yanzi's words, the expressions of the strong people around him all changed. Hua Yanzi's fight was really a good idea. You don't need to do it, everything belongs to him.

But even if they knew it, they didn't dare to violate Huayanzi's words.

The anger of Qinglong Sacred Mountain was not something they could bear, so they had to take action. The next moment, all the strong rushed towards the immortal ship with an ugly expression.

"Brother Young Master, what should I do?" Xiao Jingjing asked.

"Kill!" Xiao Chen was indifferent, whether they were forced or willing, since they wanted to attack him, he would not be merciful.

Lei Qingxuan gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Kill!"

The ten women are all Da Luo Xuanxian, they shot at the same time, you can imagine their power, rushing to the front, directly strangled by the power of the great road.

Xiao Chen also transformed into the body of a demon god, using demon power to cut out a sword Ling Tian, ​​several golden immortals were directly split into two.

"No matter what your reason is, I don't care if you dare to take action, don't blame Xiaoye's subordinates for being merciless." Xiao Chen held Ling Tian in his hand and coldly shouted: "If you don't want to die, get out of thousands of miles away!"

"Ten Da Luoxuan Immortals, we can't deal with them at all."

"What to do, if we retreat, Hua Yanzi will not let us go, if we do not retreat, we are not their opponents!"

Many Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian powerhouses are in a dilemma, their faces are very ugly, and they knew that they shouldn't have come, let alone take this muddy water.

Many Jinxian powerhouses and Daluo Jinxian looked at each other, and instead of continuing to rush forward, they stepped back a bit, intending to fish in troubled waters.

A minute later, Xiao Chen looked at the powerhouses around him, his eyes were extremely cold, and he gave you a chance. If you don't cherish it, don't blame me.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, ready to make a full shot!"

"It's the master!"

The next moment, all of the hundred rocket launchers raised their heads and faced the surroundings.

"Bazooka, launch!"

Hundreds of light beams directly emitted powerful energy, passing through the crowd instantly.

However, the power of the Sonny did not end. After the launch, the rockets were all retracted, and then a lion head appeared on the lion head, aimed at the strong in front.

"Lion Roar, fire!"

All the strong felt a terrifying energy coming, subconsciously looking at the lion’s head, while the strong in front felt a powerful crisis. They felt that they were locked in by a powerful crisis and looked at them in fear. A white beam of light shot from the head of a lion.


The white beam of light carried an extremely terrifying energy, destroying everything in front of it.

Until the white beam of light disappeared, everyone reacted and looked at the abyss right in front of the Sonny, shocked.

All the strong looked at this abyss, and they all took a breath. This is the battlefield of the immortal realm, and the rules of heaven are so powerful that even a few Da Luoxuan immortals can't cause such a huge damage.

Sky Swallow looked at the power of the Sonny, and his face was shocked, but the next moment, a thick color of greed appeared in his eyes. If he could take it as his own, how much would it be? Pull the wind.

Xiao Chen was also taken aback. He did not expect that the Lion's Roar Cannon was so powerful that all the strong people below Daluo Jinxian in front of him died, even Daluo Xuanxian died two.

With one shot, the Sonny assembled the Hurricane suit, and even the sunflower water suit accessories appeared.

"Who else wants to come up, just come!" Xiao Chen glanced around indifferently.

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