Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1248: Break through the big Luo Jinxian!

Now it’s inside the realm battlefield. According to Lei Qingxuan, this place is not far from the realm battlefield core. The realm battlefield core is mainly a trial ground for the disciples of one emperor, four emperors and seven valleys. , In addition to the many treasures in their hands, the combat power is very strong.

Xiao Chen felt that his current strength was not enough to deal with it, and it was time to improve his strength.

After making up his mind, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged and began to liberate the immortal power value in his body. The vast celestial power value was flooded with meridians, and Xiao Chen's aura began to rise continuously, with three golden immortals, four golden immortals, and nine golden immortals.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for upgrading, currently Jinxian Jiuzhong!"

"Ding! The system provides players with two options, one: refining the fruit of the Daluo by themselves, and achieving the Golden Fairy of Daluo, and second: spending a certain amount of pit value, the system can help refining the fruit of the Dalu!

"Ding! It is detected that the player is the Nine Turns Divine Desolate Eucharist. It is necessary to comprehend the power of the nine great avenues to become the Emperor Daluo!"

Hearing the prompt from the system, Xiao Chen was also shocked: "Only by comprehending the power of the nine great avenues can you become the Immortal Emperor Daluo?"

"That's right, the power of the nine attribute avenues has all reached the third level of Consummation, before you can break through the Great Luo Immortal Emperor!" The sound of the system metal rang.

"The third level of Consummation?" Xiao Chen asked, "How is this distinguished?"

"Comprehensing the power of the first great Dao can become the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, and comprehending the power of the second great Dao can be the Da Luo Xianjun. Comprehending the power of the third great Dao can be called the Da Luo Xianhuang, and the power of the third great Dao is divided For beginners, intermediate, advanced and complete!"

"Then I understand the power of a kind of attribute Da Luo Jinxian, can it break through the Golden Immortal of Da Luo?" Xiao Chen asked. After becoming a strong Da Luo, the power of immortality no longer seems very important. The most important thing is the power of Da Luo, the greater the power of Da Luo. The stronger, the stronger the combat power.

"Yes, the system recommends that the host choose one attribute, the power of the avenue, to be upgraded to the third level of Consummation, and other attributes are being upgraded."

The sound of the system's metal sounded again, but Xiao Chen was a little moved. The nine attributes were indeed very strong, but it was his best choice now to bring the power of one attribute to the top.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and then said to the system: "Help me refine all the fruits of the Dao and upgrade the Dao Flame Dao."

"Ding! Deduct 3 million pit margin value, refining the fruit of the road!"

As the system's prompt sounded, Xiao Chen's body was filled with a strong avenue of flames, and at this time the ten girls and Hua Yanzi looked at Xiao Chen in shock.

Promoting directly from Jin Xian San Zhong to Jin Xuan Jiu Zhong had already shocked Hua Yanzi enough. At this time, he was shocked and speechless when he sensed the aura of the Great Dao on Xiao Chen's body.

"How is it possible? He practiced for a while, and then he realized the power of the Great Dao, how is this possible?" Hua Yanzi was shocked in her heart.

"No, his great power is still increasing!" Hua Yanzi was surprised, looking at the flame dragon above Xiao Chen with a face full of disbelief.

"Ding! Congratulations to players for reaching the second level of Flame Avenue!"

When the fruits of the Dao in Xiao Chen's body were all refined, the system sounded a reminder.

"Impossible!" The turbulent waves turned up in Hua Yanzi's heart. He felt from Xiao Chen the power of the Great Dao that was no less than that of his brother. How could this be possible? You must know that Xiao Chen is now only the First Heavy of Da Luo Jinxian, and his brother is Daluo Xianjun!

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